

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-9.3.2-水-A1(11)
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:蕭玉晨
  • 研究人員:葉怡均、陳冠如、楊順德

隨著微型生態化飼養的流行趨勢,觀賞蝦的飼育逐漸崛起,然而多數蝦種目前大都 依賴天然捕撈者來維持供需,導致近年來野外族群量大量減少及種原來源不穩定等 ,為維護天然資源且增加觀賞養殖物種,應積極蒐集種本土性淡水種蝦進行保種、 分子生物鑑定及建立蝦苗人工培育條件。本年度計畫以匙指蝦科(Atyidae)為主要試 驗對象,進行繁殖配對並記錄全年度生理形質及生殖腺發育,期望透過相關生物學 研究及建立完善的人工繁養殖技術,以穩定種原的族群量。


The current trend is toward miniaturization of aquarium (also called nano aquaria), freshwater shrimp culture has recently become increasingly popular. Most supplies of the native freshwater shrimp larvae are dependent on natural fishing, while limited information is available for reproduction of these shrimp. Therefore, we propose this project to collect, stock and propagate the native freshwater shrimp. We mainly focus on Atyidae as the study subjects, breeding and recording physical characteristics and gonad development. We hoped that establishment of artificial breeding techniques to stabilize the population of the original species.