

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-9.5.1-水-A1(3)
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:杜金蓮
  • 研究人員:曾福生、劉大維

     九孔為臺灣重要的養殖貝類,然因早年養殖九孔族群的近親弱化問題嚴重,基 因歧異度降低,生產力衰退、幼貝落苗嚴重及生長遲緩,對產業發展及漁民收益有 重大影響,因此,維持物種基因多樣性的遺傳變異才是水產養殖產業永續經營的主 要關鍵之一。本計畫擬透過對現有養殖九孔的品種與基因型調查,了解養殖九孔之 環境耐受性,供九孔繁殖選配之參考。於本年度以RAPD引子針對歷年採樣之九孔進 行遺傳特性分析結果顯示,部分樣本已有部分的基因座出現遺漏的狀況,甚至出現 整個基因座消失的狀況;而於稚貝之低溫測試中發現,控溫組(16.82 ± 0.21℃)之 存活率為90±3%顯著大於常溫組(28.28±0.75℃)的62.23±15.75%,然其成長、增重卻 顯著低於常溫組,常溫組最終之殼長、殼寬及體重分別為33.14±4.61mm、 21.09±3.13mm及4.38±2.19g,低溫組最終之殼長、殼寬及體重分別為 30.70±2.84mm、19.63±1.7mm及3.14±0.87g,顯示於較低之養殖溫度雖然不利於九孔 之成長,卻可維持其較佳之存活率。


Haliotis diversicolor is an economically important shellfish species in Taiwan. However, massive mortality of the H. diversicolor has occurred at post-larval and grown out stages that resulted in a mass loss of fishermen in recent years. Genetic improvement plays an important role in sustainable development for H. diversicolor aquaculture industry. This aim of the project will focus on genetic techniques, select molecular markers with cold-tolertant and establish superior economical traits of broodstocks.

  The RAPD primers were used to analyze the genetic characteristics of the H. diversicolor sampled over recent years. Some abalone groups had several missing loci, and even the entire genetic locus disappeared. In the cold-tolerant test of the juvenile individuals, the survival rate of the cold-tolerant group (16.82 ± 0.21 °C) was significantly higher than that of the control group (28.22±0.75 °C), but its growth and weight gain were significantly lower than that of the control group. The shell length, shell width and body weight were 33.14±4.61mm, 21.09±3.13mm and 4.38±2.19g, respectively. After the experiments, the shell length, shell width and body weight of the cold-tolerant group were 30.70±2.84mm, 19.63±1.7mm and 3.14±0.87g respectively, which shows that the lower culture temperature is not good for the growth of the H. diversicolor, but contribute to the better rate of survival.