

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-9.5.1-水-A1(6)
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:邱沛盛
  • 研究人員:葉信利、張丁仁、吳承憬、黃政軒、黃建維

本計畫之目的是為發展並改進石斑魚雜交技術,進而培育出成長快速及耐寒之雜交 石斑新品種,利用鞍帶石斑魚 (Epinephelus lanceolatus)做為親代雄魚分別與褐 石斑魚 (Epinephelus brunneus)、藍身大石斑魚 (Epinephelus tukula)及雲紋石 斑魚 (Epinephelus moara)雜交並進行經濟性狀與耐逆境能力評估。107年2-3月採 集鞍帶石斑魚種魚7尾,有2尾採集到精液,精子活力均在80%以上,分別與褐石斑魚 、藍身大石斑魚及雲紋石斑魚雜交,但受精率0%。成長評估方面,褐石斑魚X鞍帶石 斑魚的體重及體全長成長方程式分別為Y=18.94-6.49X+1.27X 2 (R2 = 0.963, P  < 0.001, n = 220)及Y=8.09+0.25X+0.07X 2 (R2 = 0.976, P < 0.001, n = 220)。 藍身大石斑魚X鞍帶石斑魚的體重及體全長成長方程式分別為Y=17.67-9.7X+1.81X 2 (R2 = 0.972, P < 0.001, n = 200) 及 Y=6.74+0.028X+0.12X 2 (R2 = 0.983, P  < 0.001, n = 200)。接著透過血液生化指標分析比較上市體型之褐石斑魚、鞍帶 石斑魚及其雜交子代 (E. brunneus × E. lanceolatus)的耐低溫能力,結果顯示雜 交子代的耐低溫能力較鞍帶石斑佳。本計畫長遠目標希望增加臺灣石斑魚養殖品種 多樣化並穩定培育出具經濟性狀的雜交石斑魚,最終推廣至養殖產業。


The aim of this project was to develop and improve the technology of grouper hybridization and to create new hybrid grouper species which have cold-resistant and fast-growing traits. We hybridized longtooth grouper ( Epinephelus brunneus), potato grouper (Epinephelus tukula) and kelp grouper (Epinephelus moara) egg with giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) milt, respectively and evaluated their economic trait (e.g. fast-growing) and stress tolerance (e.g. cold-resistant). Seven broodstock of giant grouper was sampled during February to March 2018. Two of them were collected the milt (viability over 80%). The eggs were collected from longtooth grouper, potato grouper and kelp grouper, however, the fertilization was 0%. The growth quadratic equation of body weight and total length of E. brunneus ×E. lanceolatus were Y=18.94- 6.49X+1.27X 2 (R 2= 0.963, P<0.001, n = 220) and Y=8.09+0.25X+0.07X 2 (R2 = 0.976, P<0.001, n = 220), respectively. The growth quadratic equation of body weight and total length of E. tukula x E. lanceolatus were Y=17.67- 9.7X+1.81X 2 (R 2= 0.972, P<0.001, n = 200) and Y=6.74+0.028X+0.12X 2 (R2 = 0.983, P<0.001, n = 200), respectively. In addition, compared with the cold-resistant ability for market size giant grouper, longtooth grouper and the hybrids (E. brunneus × E. lanceolatus) with plasma biochemical parameters analysis. The results showed that the cold-resistant ability of the hybrids was better than the giant grouper. The long-term goals of this project are to diversify the species of grouper aquaculture, and product the new economic grouper stably and promote new hybrid grouper to the aquaculture industry.