

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-9.5.2-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:黃閔裕
  • 研究人員:周麗梅

本計畫探討近年來造成臺灣牡蠣死亡之因子,包括生物因子(蚵螺)、物理因子(如 溫度、鹽度等)等對牡蠣活存之影響。低溫試驗以6、10、14℃的環境分別畜養牡蠣 ,歷經11天後,牡蠣皆無發生重大死亡,存活率分別為100%,98%,100%。惟有經低 溫處理後造成攝食能力的差異,10℃處理的牡蠣較其他兩組攝食能力為佳。低鹽試 驗以鹽度0、5、10、15、20‰的環境分組歷經兩週飼養後,鹽度5、10、15、20‰之組 別皆無發生大量死亡,存活率分別為100%,90%,97%,97%。鹽度0‰組在6日內存活 率僅剩30%,12日內全數死亡。結果顯示牡蠣在5‰以上的低鹽狀態仍可存活,在無任 何鹽度環境下,1週內會有過半數以上牡蠣死亡。逐月採集蚵串上之蚵螺,在6月時 出現大量增生的情況,建議業者應於蚵螺大發生時期增加人工洗除蚵螺,避免影響 收成。


This study investigated the factors that have caused mass mortality of the oyster industry in Taiwan, including various abiotic and biotic factors. We found even if the feeding ability changed after the treatment, oysters can still survive in the environment with low temperature which’s lower than the average in the west coast of Taiwan. In the low salinity experiment, except oysters with 0‰ treatment occurred mass death and all died within 12 days, oysters with 5, 10, 15, and 20‰ treatment didn’t occur a large number of deaths, and the survival rate was 100%, 90%, 97%, and 97%. The oyster drill, the most destructive predator in the oyster culture were collected monthly. In June, a large amount of hyperplasia occurred, the density of oyster drill is extreme higher than the past months. We suggest that the manufacter should increase removal of the Thais species during the period to avoid affecting the harvest.