
建立與整合水產生物基因標誌資訊庫-超雄性 (YY)尼羅吳郭魚種群之培育

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-15.1.2-水-A2
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:農業生物經濟
  • 主持人:陳榮華
  • 研究人員:張格銓、陳建彰、張凱傑、張庭彰、劉舜豪

    本試驗將選育超雄性(YY)尼羅吳郭魚第二優質種群及全雌性尼羅吳郭魚種群 ,進而建立新的單雄性尼羅吳郭魚量產模式,可使產業達到永續發展的目標。本年 度試驗分成兩部分,分別各有5組進行子代試驗篩選變性雌魚(XY△♀)及變性雄魚 (XX△♂)。(1)變性雌魚(XY△♀)之篩選結果:第1及第2組子代雌、雄比均為 1:2.7,第3組子代雌、雄比為1:2.8,卡方値分別為1.06、1.32及0.91,與雌、雄 比期望値1:3無顯著性差異 ( p >0.05),雄性比分別為 73%、72.6% 以及 73.3%,所以該三尾雌魚可以被判定為變性雌魚(XY△♀)。(2)變性雄魚 (XX△♂)之篩選結果:第1及第2組子代卡方値分別為1189.03及517.01,與雌、雄比 期望値1:1有非常顯著性差異 ( p >0.001),雌性比率分別為99.75%及99.81%,所 以這二尾雄魚可以被判定為變性雄魚(XX△♂)。


     The aim of this study is to selective breeding YY supermale of nile tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus ) and all-female nile tilapia group, used different methods tomass production of all-male offspring on a commercial scale. The test include two parts, which divides into five groups to sort out the female-reversed tilapia (XY△♀) and male-reversed tilapia (XX△♂). (1)The result of select female-reversed tilapia: the sex ratio of progeny in group 1 and group 2 are both 1:2.7, group 3 is 1:2.8. The chi square value of group 1 is 1.06; group 2 is 1.32 and group 3 is 0.91 with no significant difference of each groups ( p >0.05). The male ratio of group 1 is 73%; group 2 is 72.6% and group 3 is 73.3%, so the three groups female can be judged as a female-reversed tilapia (XY△♀). (2)The result of select male-reversed tilapia: The chi square value of group 1 and group 2 are 1189.03 and 517.01, which is significant difference of each groups ( p >0.001). The female ratio of group 1 and group 2 are 99.75% and 99.81%, so the two male can be judged as a male-reversed tilapia (XX△♂).