

  • 日期:107-02-21
  • 計畫編號:107農科-16.2.1-水-A1
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:因應食安五環建構校園午餐之農安監控及供應體系
  • 主持人:郭科良
  • 研究人員:陳文君、蔡慧君、葉念慈、陳柏璇

本研究目的主要是調查校園午餐,所使用之水產加工品其重金屬背景值含量。從盤 點出校園午餐常使用之水產加工品類別,如虱目魚丸、甜不辣、旗魚鬆及魷魚乾等 加工品,後續依行政院衛生署公告「水產動物類中重金屬檢驗方法-鉛及鎘之檢驗」 、「食品中甲基汞檢驗方法(三)」執行檢分析其中重金屬鎘(Cd)、鉛(Pb)、甲基汞 (Me-Hg)等重金屬。採集並分析50件樣品,鉛、鎘與甲基汞平均含量分別為0.07、 0.17、與0.08mg/kg。鉛、鎘及甲基汞之暫定每週容許攝取量(Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake, PTWI)分別為25、7及1.6 (μg /kg body weight),並 依學校午餐食物內容及營養基準,與各學齡層平均體重計算暫定每週容許攝取量 ,經風險評估後各類水產加工品皆符合安全範圍。


This aim is to investigate whether the aquatic processing products that consumed by school children were contaminated by heavy metals. So, we collected aquatic processing products which is often used for school lunch such as dried squid,sailfish floss, tempura ,milkfish balls etc .We collected fifty samples of aquatic products for analysis of lead, cadmium, methyl-mercury, and the analysis method is basing on the FDA announcement method “aquatic animal test methods heavy metals-Lead and cadmium test” and “the test method of methylmercury in food (III). The lead, cadmium, methylmercury of heavy metal content in aquatic products were 0.07, 0.17, and 0.08 mg / kg, respectively. The intake exposure calculation of PTWI, each heavy metal were 25, 7, 1.6(μg /kg body weight),then we used the school lunch food content and nutrition standards, and the above information to evaluate the risk . After the risk assessment, all types of aquatic products were in compliance with the safe range.