

  • 日期:107-02-21
  • 計畫編號:107農科-18.3.2-水-A2
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:農業資源循環暨農能共構之產業創新
  • 主持人:林志訓
  • 研究人員:周麗梅、何雲達、黃麗月、戴仁祥

一、在進行遮光下文蛤( (平均殼長18.77 ±1.35mm平均重量1.76±0.35 g) 和小眼花 簾蛤 (平均殼長18.86±1.03 mm平均重量0.88 ±0.15g) 渠道式立體養殖模組試驗結 果 在30天養成下文蛤平均殼為23.80 ±4.23mm平均重量為3.74 ±1.02g,分別成長 26.79%和112.5%。小眼花簾蛤平均殼長19.96mm為平均重量1.18g,分別成長 13.65%和67.04%。顯示在適當餌料條件供給下。光線有無並不影響其成長。二、小 眼花簾蛤不同放養密度試驗比較 在放養40天後,200粒/平方米平均殼為22.61mm平 均重量為1.86g,分別成長21.03%和111.36%。300粒/平方米平均殼為22.63mm平均重 量為1.86g,分別成長21.14%和111.36%、400粒/平方米平均殼為23.28mm平均重量為 2.02g,分別成長24.62%和129.5%、500粒/平方米平均殼為23.22mm平均重量為 2.01g,分別成長24.30%和128.41%。目前密度效應仍未明顯。 三、流水方式對成體 單體牡蠣之育肥效果 8週後四組之肥滿度分別為3.13±0.15%; 5.16±0.69%; 3.09%0.49%及對照組5.78±0.80%。重量增加分別為1.26g; 1.65g; 1.04g及對照組 6.81g。四、 並串聯流水方式對牡蠣存活之影響,並聯方式死亡率平均4.7%,串聯 方式死亡率,上層8.57%中層31.43%下層45.71%隨水流交換率而不同。


I. The experiment results of vertical channel module formeretrix lusoriaandrudittapes variegateculture under shade in the 30 days. Themeretrix lusoriaand a r udittapes variegateaverage shell length and the average weight was increase 26.79% and 112.5%, 13.65% and 67.04% ,respectively. Showing light does not affect its growth. Second, therudittapes variegatedifferent stocking density ( 200,300.400,500 Individual / square meter) culture 40 days, the initial average shell was 22.61mm and the average weight was 1.86g. The200 Individual / square meter which average shell length and the average weight grew by 21.03% and 111.36% respectively. The 300 Individual /m2 which is increase 21.14% and 111.36%, respectively, and the 400 Individual /m2 is crease 24.62% and 129.5%, respectively. and the 500 Individual /m2 is crease 24.30% and 128.41%, respectively. The density effect is still not obvious at present. Third, the flow of water on the adult monomer oyster grew effect after 8 weeks, the four groups of fatness were 3.13 ± 0.15%; 5.16 ± 0.69%; 3.09% 0.49% and the control group 5.78 ± 0.80%. The weight gain was 1.26 g; 1.65 g; 1.04 g and 6.81 g of the control group. Fourth, the effect of serial flow on the survival of oysters, the average death rate in parallel mode is 4.7%, the mortality in tandem mode, the upper layer 8.57% middle layer 31.43% lower layer 45.71% different with water exchange rate.