

  • 日期:106-02-21
  • 計畫編號:106農科-3.4.1-水-A1
  • 年度:2017
  • 領域:食品科技研發領域
  • 主持人:葉念慈
  • 研究人員:陳文君、陳柏璇

根據漁業統計年報顯示,臺灣鬼頭刀產量約為1萬公噸,該物種具成長快速、性早熟 及生命週期長等特性,是很適合開發與利用,此外,該魚種魚肉中富含維生素B6、 蛋白質、DHA、EPA、Omega-3和菸鹼酸等多種營養成份,是對國人健康有助益國產漁 獲,目前鬼頭刀多以魚排或魚片等初級加工產物外銷國外,但其加工製品則種類不 多,此外,石斑魚面臨產量滯銷問題,也希望能透過加工技術解決產銷失衡問題。 本計畫係希研發調理包及試製休閒食品,提高水產品附加價值,開發「紅麴醉魚」 及「破布子石斑魚」調理包,在原料檢驗上其總生菌、大腸桿菌及揮發性鹽基態氮 等符合冷凍食品衛生標準,且鬼頭刀無檢測出組織胺成分。 以「紅麴醉魚」調理包 總魚肉重約120-130 g為基準,殺菌時間22分鐘,總製程為53 min及「破布子石斑魚 」魚肉重約140-150 g為基準,殺菌時間30分鐘,總製程為61min,魚肉可達F4安全 殺菌值。經17名品評員進行官能品評,整體喜歡度為6.6分及7.5分,另物性測定儀 檢測結果顯示,「紅麴醉魚」魚肉軟硬度及咀嚼度接近市售產品口感,且更具彈性 ,另「破布子石斑魚」調理包部分,魚肉較市售產品有彈性,易咀嚼,並較具口感 (硬)。在L.a.b值則隨放置時間增加魚肉顏色隨之變暗紅色,經過37℃下,儲藏10 天及25℃下,儲藏72天之產品,皆無產生澎袋或破損之不良現象,同時肉毒桿菌檢 測也符合標準。 另在休閒食品部分,初步試製「鹽麴鬼頭刀魚條」及「味噌七味鬼 頭刀魚條」測得兩項商品水活性約為0.7,將再調整加工方式降低水活性,以確保產 品常溫流通。


According to the fishery statistics annual report, Taiwan's dolphin fish production is about 10,000 tons, and the species with rapid growth, precocious puberty and long life cycle and other characteristics, is very suitable for development and utilization. In addition, the fish species fish rich in vitamin B6, protein, DHA, EPA, Omega-3 and niacin and other nutrients, is beneficial to the health of domestic catches.At present, the dolphin fish are mainly exported to foreign countries for primary processed products such as fish steak or fish fillet, but their processed products are not much in variety. In addition, the Grouper facing the problem of poor sales, but also hope that through the processing technology to solve the problem of production and marketing imbalance. The project aims to develop retort pouch and try out snack foods to enhance the added value of aquatic products. It has also developed the "Anka fish" and " Cummingcordia grouper" retort pouch. In the detection of raw materials its total plate count, Coliform, and volatile basic nitrogen has meet the frozen food hygiene standards, and no detection of histamine components.Based on the total fish meat weight ranged from 120- 130 g, the total process time was 53 min with a F0 value of 4. On the other hand, the total weight of the Cummingcordia grouper was about 140- 150 g. the total process time was 61 min with a F0 value of 4.The results of the evaluation of 17 members on functional products, the overall like degree of 6.6 points and 7.5 points, and the other in the physical analyzer test results show that thedolphin fish taste more flexible than the commercially mackerel can, the grouper chewing time shorter than the commercially mackerel can.The value of Lab increases with the passage of time and the color of the fish becomes darker. After 10 days of storage at 37℃ and 96 days of storage at 25℃, there is no adverse effect of expansion bag or damage. Meanwhile, the detection of botulinum toxin Standards compliant.On the other hand, in the snack food section, the initial trial of "salt dolphin fish bar" and "miso dolphin fish bar" measured the water activity of the two commodities at about 0.7. The processing methods will be adjusted to reduce the water activity to ensure the storage of products at room temperature.