
產業議題導向之農業科技計畫先期作業規劃 研究—水產試驗所小科管平台運作(3/4)

  • 日期:106-02-21
  • 計畫編號:106農科-6.1.2-水-A1
  • 年度:2017
  • 領域:農業科技管理
  • 主持人:陳高松
  • 研究人員:宋嘉軒、林芳安、吳美錚、沈惠雲、陳佳香

     本計畫擬結合本所之研發能量,配合外部智庫前瞻性及國際性視野之導入,建 立以產業需求導向及價值鏈多元發展為目標之科研管理制度,期有效利用國家投入 之農 業科研資源,並具體展現漁業業科技研發之深厚實力及特有優勢。並期可進一 步推 動跨機構與跨領域科技資源之整合及農業科技管理之革新。本計畫整合本所研 發能量及技術資源,並藉由機構內部計畫汰舊換新,以具體展現水產試驗所科技研 發之能力及優勢。 


     The goals of this study are to combine the developmental capacity of the Institute, and to introduce the international eyesight with the perspective of external think tank. Consequently, it could help to establish a research management system with the objectives of industry demanded and multi-oriented value chain. This may be effective use of national agriculture research resources to demonstrate the profound strength and advantage of fishery research and development of the Institute. It can also integrate and cooperate among different departments and fields to reform the agriculture management system. This project will integrate the research capacity and resources of technology with the replacement of old to disclose the capabilities and advantages of specific technology research and development of the Fisheries Research Institute.