

  • 日期:106-03-04
  • 計畫編號:106農科-10.2.1-水-A1(3)
  • 年度:2017
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:莊世昌
  • 研究人員:陳威克、蕭聖代

106年度櫻花蝦漁獲體長平均為37.01±3.11mm,大於最小成熟體長32.8mm,屬合理利 用範圍;產銷班漁船出海作業船數以4月份55艘為最高,之後快速減少至7月僅剩3艘 ;平均單位努力漁獲量(CPUE)最高為7月份的每日每船153.03 kg,最低為5月份每日 每船56.18kg,平均為每日每船約92.87kg,與去年度的每日每船可達316.72kg相較 下滑甚多,另本年度宜蘭灣櫻花蝦總漁獲量為256.99公噸,而過去三年的平均年總 漁獲量約可達680公噸以上相較,漁獲量亦有很大落差。


The average body length of Sergia shrimp was 37.01±3.11mm in 2017, that was larger than the minimum maturity size at 32.8mm, belonged to reasonable sizes to catch. In April, the number of vessels operating was the highest in 55 boats, but then rapidly decreased to July With only 3 boats remaining. The highest average CPUE was 153.03 kg per day per boat in July and the lowest was 56.18 kg per day per boat in May, with an average of 92.87 kg per day per boat. Compared with last year, The daily catch of 316.72kg is much lower than that of the previous year. In addition, the total catch of Sakura shrimp in Ilan Bay in the current year is 256.99 tonnes. Compared with the average annual catch of about 680 tonnes in the past three years, the catches are also declined.