

  • 日期:106-03-04
  • 計畫編號:106農科-10.2.1-水-A1(4)
  • 年度:2017
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:賴繼昌
  • 研究人員:翁進興、藍揚麒、楊清閔、何珈欣、黃建智、黃星翰、陳 羿惠

         本研究於2015年起自西南海域5個漁港進行帶魚屬( Trichiurus spp.)魚 類採樣5296尾,進行鑑種及生殖學與年齡成長分析,外觀形態鑑種結果顯示西南海 域帶魚屬魚種在數量比例上以日本帶魚( Trichiurus japonicus )比例最高 (85.5%),其次為南海帶魚 (14.5%) ( Trichiurus nanhaiensis ),而各地區所占 比例不同,其中彌陀及海口兩個作業漁場較淺或近岸的地區南海帶魚的比例高於日 本帶魚,推測南海帶魚棲地位置較日本帶魚淺或靠岸。         利用底拖網漁船的航跡記錄(VDR)與logbook中帶魚屬漁獲資料解析漁期與 漁場得知,以2015年為例,西南海域第一季(1-3月)及第四季(10-12月)帶魚資源較 為豐富,漁場隨季節有所變動,主要分布於高雄一港口至二港口外及小琉球南方水 深100-200m處。在資源量變動分析上,納入年別、季節別、區域別、漁船馬力數等 因子以泛線性模式 (general linear mixed model, GLMM) 進行1997-2015年間 CPUE標準化分析,可看出近年來資源呈現下降情形。在地理位置分布上,以較南邊 ,水深較深的D區資源量最低,在季節別變化上,則以第二季的資源量最低。         有關帶魚屬資源量變動及漁期、漁場的研究結果有助於做為後續進行帶魚 漁業資源管理策略擬定之科學依據。


        This study focus on the specie identification, reproduction biology, age and growth analysis of Trichiurus spp., which from 5 different fishing ports in the southwestern Taiwan.Trichiurus japonicasis a dominant specie and occupy 85.5% of total 5296 samples. Although Trichiurus nanhaiensis only occupy 14.5% of Trichiurus spp. samples, Trichiurus nanhaiensisis more abundant than Trichiurus japonicas off the shallower fishing ground near the Mituo and Haikou fishing ports. Which suggests Trichiurus nanhaiensis habits in more shallower and costal waters than Trichiurus japonicas .         The VDR and logbook data suggests there was a seasonal variation in the abundance of Trichiurus spp., which was more abundant between Jan.-Mar. and Oct. - Dec. of 2015. Fishing grounds change with the seasons, mainly distributed at 100-200 m away from Kaohsiung fishing port 1 and 2, and south of Liuqiu Island. We conducted GLMM analysis of resources for the period 1997-2015 and included factors such as year, season, region, and horsepower of fishing vessels. The results show a decline in resources in recent years. Geographically, the area with the lowest amount of resources is D, which is located deeper in the South. In the season change, the second quarter was the lowest amount of resources.         The results of this study can be the scientific evidence for the policy-making and fishery management ofTrichiurusspp. fishes.