

  • 日期:106-03-09
  • 計畫編號:106農科-10.3.1-水-A1(3)
  • 年度:2017
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:戴仁祥
  • 研究人員:周麗梅

近幾年來,台灣之牡蠣價格較高,可能原因為附苗區域面積縮小、天然養殖面積減 少與天然災害的侵襲等之影響,而牡蠣長期以來均以剝殼取肉利用為主要方式,其 單價比以燒烤與生食的單體牡蠣來得低,因此單體牡蠣的養殖一直受到牡蠣產業相 當的關注與投入,但是由於天然養殖環境與每年颱風與雨季的影響,牡蠣的肥滿度 不能保持穩定,尤其冬天的肥滿度更是偏低。 因此本研究擬探討不同溫度與餌料對 牡蠣的育肥效果,進而建立陸上工廠化育肥模組,以生產品質穩定的牡蠣產品,提 高牡蠣的價值。以100%微藻組,50%微藻+玉米粉粒組,100%玉米粉粒組餵飼牡犡的育 肥效果來看,可以嘗試以玉米粉來部分取代微藻而不減少蛋白質與肝醣之含量。以 0.0625與0.125%濕重之投餵量下產生擬糞較少(產生擬糞分別為6.25、6.56% 。且其 攝食率(%)也較高(分別為93.75、93.44 %),因此在使用玉米粉時宜採用少量多餐的 方式投餵才能減少產生擬糞量與增加攝食量。玉米粉添加0.125,0.25,0.5,1,2 %之 肥滿度間之肥滿度無顯著差異,雖較試驗初有顯著地下降。但是較室外池的肥滿度 顯著的高。天然池無論肥滿度與有機質含量均是最差,可能原因為水中餌料不足。 活存率以1%與2%組較差(分別為88與90%),其他均為100% ,可能原因是水質較差所 造成。


  Due to the reduction of attachment area of oyster seedlings reduced, the reduction of natural culture area of oyster and the invasion of typhoon, etc., the oyster prices were higher in recent years. The price of cultchless oyster is always higher than those of cultch oyster. But these oyster always met the problem of inconsistent condition index, especially low condition in the winter. Therefore, the present study is focused on the research and development of conditioning module of oyster factory. The protein and glycogen content did not decreased in the replacement of 50% microalgae by powdered pop meal. The production of pseudofaeces of is less in the 0.0625 and 0.125% than the other feeding group. And the former group had better feeding amount. The tragedy of less amount and more frequency feeding regime is better for less pseudofaeces and more feeding amount. There were no significant difference in the condition index among the feeding amount of 0.125,0.25,0.5,1 and 2 %. Although the condition index was significantly lower than the initial, but was higher than oyster reared outdoor. They had lower survival in the 1 and 2 % group due to the worse water quality.