

  • 日期:106-03-24
  • 計畫編號:106農科-10.3.1-水-A1(7)
  • 年度:2017
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:李沛珊
  • 研究人員:何源興、陳富美、黃侑勖、陳鏗元、陳玉萍

(一)石斑魚雜交(自交)技術研究:本研究為鞍帶石斑giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus)及雲紋石斑Oblique-banded grouper (Epinephelus moara)雜交之可 行性探討,年初已完成2種石斑種原(鞍帶石斑15尾及雲紋石斑15尾)之收集及保存。 鞍帶石斑於今年1月份開始調控加溫至30℃,雲紋石斑則於3月調控加溫至26℃,並 餵飼南魷、鰹魚及秋刀魚等高脂質及高蛋白的餌料,以促進其生殖巢的發育。本研 究共進行5次催熟試驗,分別於4、5、7、8及10月,利用荷爾蒙HCG及LHRH-A2注射魚 體,進行人工催熟,結果為:第一次採得鞍帶石斑雄魚100 ml精液(n=1),鞍帶石斑 雌魚及雲紋石斑雄及雌皆未採得精液及卵;第二次採得鞍帶石斑雄魚240 ml精液 (n=1),雲紋石斑雌魚4.4 kg魚卵(n=2),鞍帶石斑雌魚及雲紋石斑雄魚皆未採得精 液及卵;第三次雲紋石斑雄及雌皆無採得精業及卵,鞍帶石斑雄魚取得100ml (n=1)精液,鞍帶石斑雌魚取得430 g(n=1)魚卵,但自交後鏡檢無受精;第四次僅進 行鞍帶石斑的催熟,採得 3.81 kg(n=2)魚卵,但未採得精液;第五次也是僅針對鞍 帶石斑進行催熟,但皆無採得精液及卵。 (二)溫水性魚類-牙鮃繁養殖技術研究:本研究利用溫差刺激誘導牙鮃 ( Paralichthys olivaceus) 種魚於人工飼養環境下,進行自然產卵及受精行為,其 受精率為81.2%。受精卵呈圓形透明之浮性卵,平均卵徑為0.94 ± 0.01 mm,油球徑 為0.16 ± 0.01 mm。在水溫22 ± 1℃下受精卵約32小時孵化,剛孵化之魚苗平均全 長為2.12 ± 0.03 mm。第3日齡仔魚平均全長為3.47 ± 0.76 mm,開始投餵輪蟲,並 添加微藻以穩定水質及滋養輪蟲。第6日齡平均全長為4.58 ± 0.18 mm,此時混投豐 年蝦,豐年蝦需經營養強化。第20日齡平均全長為6.56 ± 0.03 mm,頭部冠狀幼鰭 明顯生長,持續投餵營養強化之豐年蝦。第24日齡平均全長為8.38 ± 0.11 mm,此 時游泳姿勢傾斜,眼睛相對位置開始改變。第38日齡平均全長為13.88 ± 1.26 mm,此時牙鮃的眼睛位於同一側,完成變態階段開始進入底棲生活。另試驗雞肉粉 取代飼料中魚粉以探討對牙鮃成長之影響。試驗結果為各組增重率無顯著差異,因 此配方中使用雞肉粉不影響牙鮃之成長。 (三)溫水性魚類-小鱗瓜子鱲種原培育:本研究分2部分,實驗一探討小鱗瓜子鱲( Girella leonine)最佳成長效果之飼料蛋白質含量。實驗二探討在飼料中添加綠藻 粉以取代魚粉對小鱗瓜子鱲之成長效果之影響。實驗一以初始體長4.21±0.81 cm及 初始體重6.59±0.09 g之小鱗瓜子鱲,調整飼料中添加之魚粉量使飼料中粗蛋白含量 分別為30、35、40、45及50%,組別分別為CP30、CP35、CP40、CP45及CP50,以不同 組別之飼料投餵6週後,以投餵CP40、CP45及CP50等3組樣本之成長顯著較其餘組別 為高,增重率分別為40.99±1.69、43.98±2.22及43.09±2.50%,特殊成長率則分別為 0.78±0.03、0.83±0.03與0.81±0.04% day-1,成長效果各項數據與投餵CP30及CP35等 2組樣本相較均隨著飼料蛋白質含量提升而有上升之趨勢,因此為兼顧飼料成本與成 長效果,本研究認為小鱗瓜子鱲之人工飼料蛋白質含量以40%為最佳。實驗二以綠藻 粉取代魚粉製作飼料投餵初始體長4.66±0.92cm及初始體重6.64±0.22 g之小鱗瓜子 鱲,試驗飼料分為5組,飼料中以綠藻粉取代魚粉,取代量分別為0、25、50、75及 100%,並調整魚粉用量,使粗蛋白含量均為40%,組別分別為SW0、SW25、SW50、SW75及SW100。投餵6週後,結果發現SW25及SW50增重率分別為47.65±1.53及 44.09±1.84%,特殊成長率則分別為0.89±0.02及0.83±0.03% day-1 ,增重率與特殊 成長率均顯著較其餘組別為高,顯示在飼料中添加綠藻粉以取代魚粉確實對小鱗瓜 子鱲之成長具有正向效果。再以折線迴歸分析求得於小鱗瓜子鱲之飼料中添加綠藻 粉以取代魚粉之最適取代量為26.5%。 (四)鮑魚雜交技術研究:本研究探討投餵不同餌料對九孔螺 ( Haliotis diversicolor ) 及皺紋盤鮑 (Haliotis discus hannai ) 成長之影響,投餵之餌 料種類包括長莖葡萄蕨藻、石蓴、蒙旦海木耳、錐尖擬紅翎藻、鋸齒麒麟菜、葡萄 藻、傘房龍鬚菜及鹽漬海帶,試驗期間為6週。九孔螺試驗結果,以投餵錐尖擬紅翎 藻、傘房龍鬚菜及鹽漬海帶之組別有較高的乾肉重,惟投餵鹽漬海帶組其活存率較 低,而投餵長莖葡萄蕨藻、蒙旦海木耳、鋸齒麒麟菜及葡萄藻之組別其平均濕重則 呈現減少的現象。皺紋盤鮑試驗結果,以投餵錐尖擬紅翎藻、傘房龍鬚菜及鹽漬海 帶之組別有較高的乾肉重,而投餵其他餌料之組別其平均濕重則呈現減少的趨勢。 (五)大型藻類萃取及利用之研究:本研究針對葡萄藻(Botryocladia leptopoda) 進 行培育、成分分析及萃取等相關技術研究,期能快速促進海藻產業發展。在本研究 中發現葡萄藻培育在25℃,光照強度為10000 lux及以海水添加1 μM銨鹽培育的組 別,有最佳的增重率達50.46±2.45%。在基礎營養成分探討方面,每100 g的新鮮葡 萄藻包含94.4 g的水分、3.1 g的灰分、10 Kcal的熱量、0.5 g的蛋白質、2.0 g的 碳水化合物(內含0.9 g的膳食纖維),不含糖、脂肪、反式脂肪及飽和脂肪。除上述 外,葡萄藻也包含麩胺酸、甘胺酸、胱胺酸、鈉、鉀、鎂、鈣、磷、硼、鐵、銅、 鎳、鋅、錳及鈷。在萃取研究方面,分為未處理組、冰萃組及熱萃組,發現不論是 在總糖量、總酚量、還原力、清除超氧陰離子能力、捕捉DPPH自由基能力及螯合亞 鐵離子能力,熱萃組皆比其他2組佳。本研究發現葡萄藻經由簡單的萃取方式,就有 良好的抗氧化能力,具有開發作為天然及安全的抗氧化或抗老化素材之潛力。


(一)The study of hybridization and inbreeding of groupers:The purpose of this study is to investigate the availability of the hybridization of giant grouper ( Epinephelus lanceolatus ) and oblique-banded grouper ( Epinephelu smoara ). In early 2017, we have collected and conserve 15 giant groupers and 15 oblique-banded groupers for broodstock. From January 2017, we raised and controlled the culture temperature at 30 ℃ for giant groupers and later set the culture temperature at 26 ℃ for oblique-banded groupers in March 2017. All fish were fed with purple squids, skipjack tuna, and the Pacific saury to enrich their nutrition for reproduction. We treated fish with HCG (350〜450 IU/kg) and HHRH-A2 (25〜35 µg/kg) by injections in 2017. In April, we obtained 100 ml semen(n=1) from a male giant grouper. In May, We obtained 240 ml semen(n=1) from the same giant grouper and 4.4 Kg eggs(n=2) from two oblique-banded groupers. In July, a male giant grouper was obtained 100 ml semen (n=1)and a female produced 430 g eggs(n=1). However, the sperms and eggs could not fertilize. In August, we obtained 3.81 kg eggs(n=2) from female giant groupers. There were no semen or eggs obtained after hormones injection in October. (二)Cultivation and propagation of the warm water flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus :The temperature stimulation successfully induces spawning and fertilization of the olive flounder ( Paralichthys olivaceus), with the fertilization rate of 81.2%. The fertilized eggs of the fish are buoyant and semi-transparent, with an average diameter of 0.94 ± 0.01mm (Mean ± SD). These eggs hatched at 32 h after fertilization(Temp. = 22 ± 1℃). The newly hatched larvae were about 2.12 ± 0.03 mm in total length. The larvae (3.47 ± 0.76 mm) were fed with rotifers ( Brachionus plicatilis ) from the 3rd day post hatching (DPH). The microalgae ( Nannochloropsis oculata ) were added to stabilize the water quality and nourish rotifers. The 6 DPH fry were about 4.58 ± 0.18 mm in total length. Artemia spp . were used as feeds for nutrition enrichment. The 20 DPH fry were about 6.56 ± 0.03 mm in total length. Then, the coronary fin on head grew rapidly. At this time, we continue to use the artemia for nutrition enrichment. The 24 DPH fry were about 8.38 ± 0.11 mm in total length, their tilted swimming with their eyes relocated. When the eyes were on the same side at 38 DPH, fry(13.88 ± 1.26 mm) began for metamorphosis and entered into the benthic stage. In nutrition experiments, poultry meal was used for the replacement of fish meal in feed to explore the growth effect of olive flounder. The results showed there were no significant difference of weight gains in the four test groups. It indicates that the poultry meal replacement could not enhance the growth in olive flounder. (三)Cultivation of the warm water fish,Girella punctata :This study was divided into two parts. In the first trial, we adjusted the protein inclusion levels of the diets to feed G. leonina. Then, we collected the body length and body weight data to analyze the protein inclusion level with the best growth performance. The second trial was based on the results of the first trial, and we used chlorella powder to replace the fishmeal in the diets. We collected the body length and body weight data to analyze the optimal dosage of chlorella powder. In the first trial, the G. leonine juveniles with initial length 4.21±0.81 cm and initial weight 6.59±0.09 g were fed on five diets with different dietary protein inclusion levels of 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50% (CP30, CP35, CP40, CP45, CP50) for 6 weeks. It was found that the growth performance of CP40, CP45 and CP50 were significantly better than the other groups. The weight gains were 40.99 ± 1.69, 43.98 ± 2.22 and 43.09 ± 2.50% respectively, and the specific growth rates were 0.78 ± 0.03, 0.83 ± 0.03 and 0.81 ± 0.04% per day, respectively. Considering the cost of diets and growth performance, this study suggests that the best dietary protein inclusion level is 40%. In the second trial, the juveniles with initial length 4.66±0.92 cm and initial weight 6.64±0.22 g were fed on the experimental diets for 6 weeks. The diets were divided into five groups based on the chlorella powder replaced percentages of 0, 25, 50, 75, 100% (SW0, SW25, SW50, SW75, SW100). It was found that the growth performance of SW25 and SW50 were significantly better than the other groups. The weight gains were 47.65±1.53 and 44.09±1.84% and the specific growth rates were 0.89±0.02 and 0.83±0.03% per day  . The broken-line regression shows the optimal dosage of chlorella powder is 26.5%. (四)The study of abalone hybridization:In this study, we investigated the effects of different diets on the growth of Haliotis diversicolor and H. discus hannai . The diets included Caulerpa lentillifera, Ulva lactuca , Sarcodia montagneana, Agardhiella subulata, Eucheuma serra,  Botryocladia leptopoda, Gracilaria coronopifolia and salted Laminaria japonica . The dry meat weight of H. diversicolor fed with S. montagneana , G. coronopifolia and salted L. japonicawas higher, but the survival rate of H. diversicolor fed with salted L. japonica was relatively low. The mean wet weight of H. diversicolor fed with C. lentillifera ,S. montagneana ,E. serra and B. leptopoda was reduced. The dry meat weight of H. discus hannai fed with S. montagneana, G. coronopifolia and salted L. japonica was higher. The mean wet weight of H. discus hannai fed with the remaining diets was reduced. (五)The extraction and utilization of the ingredients of the macroalgae:In this study, we used Botryocladia leptopoda for developing cultivation, component analysis, extraction and other related technologies to promote the seaweed industry. Our results showed that the optimal weight gain rate 50.46±2.45% was obtained when Botryocladia leptopoda were cultivated in deep sea water containing 1μM ammonium salt at 25 ℃ and 10000 lux. We analyzed the basic nutrients composition of Botryocladia leptopoda which contained 94.4 grams water, 3.1 grams ash, 10 calories, 0.5 grams proteins, 2.0 grams carbohydrates(0.9 grams of dietary fibers) in each 100 grams algae. The algae did not contain sugars, fats, trans and saturated fats. In addition,Botryocladia leptopoda also contains glutamic acid, glycine, cysteine, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, boron, iron, copper, nickel, zinc, manganese and cobalt. In the extraction experiment, we divided the test samples into untreated group, ice extraction group and hot extraction group. We found that hot extraction group is better than the other two groups in the aspects of total sugar, total phenol, reducing power, ability to scavenge superoxide anion, capacity to capture DPPH free radicals and ability to chelate ferrous ion. It suggests that Botryocladia leptopoda has good antioxidant capacity and potential for developing natural and safe anti-oxidant or anti-aging material via a simple extraction method.