

  • 日期:106-03-24
  • 計畫編號:106農科-10.3.4-水-A1(8)
  • 年度:2017
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:周爰瑱
  • 研究人員:吳瑞賢、蔡富元

鰻魚為降海洄游性魚種,棲息海域與洄游路徑經常跨越各沿海國家經濟海域,因此 其產卵洄游與生態習性之探討,是漁業科學研究的一大挑戰。標識放流為探索族群 動態、分佈特徵及環境影響研究提供新的研究途徑。本中心執行鰻魚產卵洄游研究 計畫,已成功試驗及研發4種之鰻魚標放技術,但鰻魚產卵洄游研究仍在起步階段 ,本研究計畫將利用彈脫型衛星標識器(Pop-up satellite archival tag)配置於日 本鰻魚體,將可紀錄鰻魚日夜行為特徵與洄游習性,解析日本鰻對環境棲所之偏好 、族群動態特徵及產卵洄游習性與路徑,提供日本鰻進行資源評估模式建構之重要 參數,及漁業管理策略擬定之科學依據。本研究分別以mrPAT、 sPAT、 X-Tag 及 Highrate X-Tag於2016年至2017年標放六尾之鰻魚,標放彈脫設定為30、60天及8個 月,當符合彈脫條件時標識器即彈脫於水面,並可透過衛星下載包含地理位置、海 溫等資料,該資料與同時區之溫鹽深儀資料進行比對,發現鰻魚游泳深度由50至 225米,並有80%之機率棲息於水溫小於24.度之水域,其中一尾的鰻魚追蹤達3日 ,該紀錄顯示出鰻魚有日夜的垂直洄游的行為,並推測鰻魚棲息深度選擇因子可能 為溫度而不是深度。


Eel is catadromy species, whose migratory paths often cross the coastal waters of exclusive economic zones. Investigating the spawing migration and ecological traits are big challenge for fisheries science. Dischargeflow studies have provided a relatively new way for scientists to explore the population dynamics, distribution and the relationship between environmental factor and behavior. Our center already developed and tested four external attachment methods for PSATs to eel. However, The study of eel migratory paths is still in the initial stages.This main objective of this study is using the electronic tag to investigate migratory pathways of eel. Six eels were separately tagged with mark report PAT (mrPAT) or survivorship PAT (sPAT) tags or X-Tag or Highrate X-Tag and released during 2016 to 2017 at locations near the river of eastern of Taiwan. The tags were separately scheduled to detach after 30 days or 60 days or 8 months, after which data downloaded from satellites would provide pop-up position, and water temperature. Location and temperature data from the tags was compared to equivalent spatial and temporal data acquired from conductivity-temperature-depth casts (CTD). The longest tracking period (60 days) showed that the tagged eel experienced maximum temperatures during from 21.5°C to 26°C and minimum temperatures was from 16.5 to 24.5. Compared to the CTD data, the swimming depths of the tagged eels was estimated to be ~50 to 225 m.Overall, eels spent ~80% of their time in water less than 24.5°C. One eel tracked for three days showed evidence of diel vertical excursions suggesting they might be selecting a preferred minimum temperature rather than depth.