

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-1.2.4-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:農業科技產業化領域
  • 主持人:張素容
  • 研究人員:陳鴻議、周瑞良、陳榮華、周昱翰、陳紫媖、楊順德、葉信利

近年來因為氣候變遷導致天然災害頻傳,例如寒害,嚴重影響養殖漁業的發展以及 養殖戶生計。為因應寒害發生後,政府投入勘災之災損救助認定需求,本計畫擬針 對災損嚴重的6種水產養殖生物進行20%以上災損認定研究,並調查易發生遲發性災 損養殖生物及其原因,同時建置低溫模擬試驗場探討此6種水產養殖生物在連續低溫 下的生理及生態發展,以提供未來勘災認定之參考依據。除此之外,透過本次研究 也能提供養殖戶災前預防措施與養殖管理上的建議,協助降低損失。


Many natural disasters sweep throughout the world in recent years, such as cold snaps, which cased seriously economic losses in aquaculture. React to the demand that government hope to identify the losses whether over 20% realm of the worst hit areas after devastating disruption or not, this plan would offer relatively study of six aquatic organisms to investigate further the reasons why they died for number of days later during the cold weather coming. Meanwhile, we will build the experimental center by mimicking low-temperature condition for realizing their physiology and ecology to be damaged evidence in the future.Besides, through this study could offer some preventive measure and advice for aquatic keepers to decrease the economic losses.