

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-7.2.1-水-A1
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:農業電子化領域
  • 主持人:徐雅各
  • 研究人員:曾振德、林金榮、林志遠、李周陵

(一) 為提升政府服務品質,設置水產資訊智慧化多元服務平台,亦於水產陳列館 (總所)及水族生態展示館(東部海洋生物研究中心)建置WiFi無線網路。

(二)隨著資通訊快速發展與手機的普及,智慧條碼(QR code)的應用也更為廣泛 。本所亦應用智慧條碼於水產陳列館(總所)及水族生態展示館(東部海洋生物 研究中心),作為展示物的影音導覽解說,參觀者可以手機透過WiFi上網,了 解更多的展示實體的資訊。

(三) 本年度計畫擴增水產資訊智慧化多元服務平台,包含(1)增加水產陳列館(基 隆)之智慧導覽影片內容;(2) 建置互動裝置;(3) 整合水產資訊智慧化多 元服務平台,以水產資訊加值創新並活化陳列館。


(一)To enhance the quality of government services, the project has built an Inteligent Information Service Platform of Fisheries and set up WiFi wireless networks on Fisheries Exhibition and Aquarium Ecological Exhibition Hall (Eastern Marine Biological Research Centre).

(二)With the rapid development of information and communication technology and widespread Web sites, the application of QR code is spurred. Fisheries Research Institute also applied to its Fisheries Exhibition and Aquarium Ecological Exhibition Hall, as tour guide, visitors can WiFi Internet access through mobile phones, for more entity information.

(三)This year, the project is to increase contents of the Inteligent Information Service Platform of Fisheries, including (1) entities' video guide of Fisheries Exhibition (Keelung); (2) to set up a set of interactive means; (3) the integration with innovation and value-added information to the Inteligent Information Service Platform.