

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-11.2.1-水-A1(4)
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:賴繼昌
  • 研究人員:陳玟妤、陳羿惠、何珈欣、黃星翰、黃建智、楊清閔、翁進興

白帶魚為全球第7大漁撈物種,也是台灣沿近海域的第6大漁撈魚種。2012年沿近海 域白帶魚產量為4,132公噸、產值達4.19億元為東海、台灣海峽及南海的大陸棚海域 的重要漁獲魚種之一。聯合國指出西北太平洋的白帶魚資源已被過渡利用。台灣沿 近海白帶魚的年漁獲量從2006年的7150公噸逐年遞減至2012年的4132公噸。近年台 灣周邊海域的白帶魚進一步被分類為日本帶魚、白帶魚及南海帶魚3種。目前對3種 帶魚屬魚類的漁獲量、分布、生殖期、洄游、生長及資源量等漁業生態資訊待進一 步調查。本計畫擬調查台灣西南海域帶魚屬魚類分布海域、棲息水深、生殖、洄游 、體長頻度的季節變化及主要漁獲漁法、漁港的漁獲量估計。


The largehead hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) was ranked as the seventh of the world marine capture fisheries production in 2011, and the sixth most important capture species in Taiwanese coastal fisheries. The production of largehead hairtail have reached 4,132 metric ton and 419 million TWD in 2012, and one of the important target species in the marine capture fisheries of the East China Sea, Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. However, the largehead hairtail was estimated in 2009 to be overexploited in the main fishing area in the Northwest Pacific. The Taiwanese coastal production of largehead hairtail was declined from 7150 metric ton in 2006 to 4132 metric ton in 2012. Recently morphological and mitochondrial findings showed that there are three valid species contained in the 'T. lepturus' complex - T. lepturus, T. japonicus and T. nanhaiensis off Taiwan. However, the landing, distribution, breeding season, migration route, growth pattern and resource status of the three species are still unknown. This project will survey the ecology, main fishing method, and landings of cutlassfish (Trichiurus spp.) off southwestern Taiwan.