

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-11.2.1-水-A1(5)
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:何珈欣
  • 研究人員:吳龍靜、吳伊淑、陳羿惠、黃星翰、黃建智、蕭琍婷、賴繼昌、余淑楓、張麗美、陳秋月、黃婉綺

本研究將針對台灣西南海域主要經濟性魚蟹種之生物生態、產卵期及作業漁場分佈 狀況進行調查分析,再以科學方法精確判定產卵場之地理位置,同時加入聲探技術 的應用,藉以比較拖網及科學魚探同步探測之結果,進而做為今後漁業資源評估、 保育、管理及漁業行政決策等之參考依據


The study investigates  biological ecology, spawning period,and fishing ground of the main economic fishes and crabs in the southwestern waters of Taiwan, and to determine accurately the geographical position of spawning ground by the scientific method, join application of sounding technology at the same time; use to compare trawl net and scientific fish detection with the result of survey synchronously. and then it will be a reference basis in future for the fishery resources estimate, conservation, management and fisheries administration decision-making.