

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-11.2.2-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:陳郁凱
  • 研究人員:藍揚麒、潘佳怡、王友慈

氣候變遷造成海水溫度升高,除了造成魚類棲地的改變,亦直接影響了魚群洄游的 路徑與時間,改變了暖水性與冷水性魚種的分布界線,造成漁場的改變甚至消失 ,對漁業資源造成深遠的影響,而水溫、鹽度、基礎生產力等水團特性則是影響漁 場、漁期變動的關鍵因子。為此,水產試驗所於2003年起著手實施「台灣周邊海域 漁場環境監測」計畫,按季於周邊海域各測站蒐集水溫、鹽度、營養鹽、葉綠素、 浮游動物等漁場環境資訊,透過此全面性之調查來瞭解周邊海域長期水文、海況及 漁業生物時空分佈資訊,進而掌握影響周邊海域漁業資源變動的機制。而目前國內涵蓋整個台灣周邊海域之大尺度的仔稚魚相關資訊則仍相當有限,因此希望透過此 調查釐清水文環境變動對台灣周邊海域仔稚魚群聚分布所帶來的影響,提供漁業管 理上的參考依據。


Climate change lead to rising water temperature, with the consequences of changing habitats, alteration of distribution boundary, and the oscillation of fishing grounds of aquatic resources. The effect of climate change is profound for fishery resources and water temperature, salinity and primary production of the water masses are the key factors that affect the variation of fishing grounds and fishing season. As a result, Fisheries Research Institute implemented this program to conduct quarterly cruises to collect water temperature, salinity, nutrients, chlorophyll-a and zooplankton measurements at stations in the surrounding waters of Taiwan. Through this thorough investigation, we try to understand the coupling of physical, chemical and biological dynamics in the surrounding waters of Taiwan. Besides, information about the icthyoplankton in the waters around Taiwan is still minimal. Therefore, we analyze the seasonal composition and distribution of ichtyoplankton associated with hydrographic environments to figure out the factors associated with the fluctuation of fishery resources and the aim is to provide advices for fishery management.