

  • 日期:110-07-30
  • 計畫編號:109農科-1.2.2-水-A1
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:農業科技管理及產業化
  • 主持人:宋嘉軒
  • 研究人員:柯淑惠、陳潁慧、蕭淑芬、許晉榮、林正斌、劉一新、劉 慧玲、陳烈夫

本計畫的宗旨是透過建構行銷能量平台來強化與協助農業創新育成的多元服務,藉 由農業委員會所屬創新育成中心及農科院育成中心的聯盟,共同推動發展農業領域 之創業育成,協助農企業成長並厚植創新能量,掌握契機。行政院農業委員會為協 助臺灣農企業升級轉型並增加創新能量,於農業試驗所、林業試驗所、水產試驗所 及畜產試驗所成立創新育成中心。育成中心擁有多元的服務平台,藉由有效資源整 合共同創造良好環境,並建立北中南區全育成服務網絡,達成前育成至後育成一條 龍式之完整服務。本年度農業創新育成中心定期於每季召開工作小組會議,以討論 並促進各項工作的進行。為讓業者能即時獲得整合性資源輔導,會辦理培育廠商個 案輔導診斷諮詢,內容包含企業診斷、財務、技術移轉、市場行銷、經營管理等並 持續進行定點諮詢之服務。109年度透過線上科研成果發表暨媒合會進行聯合招商、 宣傳及推廣活動,藉此說明研發成果加值、產學合作、育成中心及農企業輔導等方 案,並以深厚的農業研發實力,吸引具有潛力的業者進駐合作。本年度新進駐業者 共13家、延長進駐2家,累積輔導152家業者。成功協助進駐業者申請通過產學合作 計畫1件以及其他政府補助計畫5件,補助金額共計新台幣5,041千元;並協助5家業 者獲取國內外獎項(章);促進投增資額達9千8百萬元以上;增加就業人數140人;輔 導31家業者參展19場次;共計18家育成廠商辦理20件技術移轉,授權金額5,161千元 。


The mission of this program is to assist in the development of the diverse service network by constructing a platform for marketing power accumulation in agricultural innovation incubation ecology, through the agricultural innovation incubation center (IIC) union. The aim of the incubators is to facilitate the survival of such companies and also to nurture these companies for growth and success. Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan has set up Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Forestry Research Institute, Fisheries Research Institute and Livestock Research Institute innovation incubation centers to help agricultural enterprises with innovating and commercializing agricultural technologies. The incubation centers provide not only well-up-pointed space, devices and technology, but also assist in capital attracting, business service and management. They effectively employ resources, lower the risk of start-ups in research cost, create good cultivation environment, and increase the chance of successfully running business. Working Group meeting, held regularly every quarter of this year, promote and present modifications, review points, train the management and evaluation points, set points, and make the application process more convenient. In order to provide industry professionals with instant access to integrated resource counseling, a series of course lectures were conducted, which included services such as enterprise diagnostics, finance, technology transfer, marketing, business management, and on-site consulting. Through the on-line109 annual agribusiness counseling resources joint briefings, joint investment promotion, publicity and promotional activities were accomplished. And, hence, value added to research findings, academia cooperation, agricultural technology development program, breeding centers and agribusiness counseling and other programs were explained. And, hence, value added to research findings, academia cooperation, agricultural technology development program, breeding centers and agribusiness counseling and other programs were explained. This year 13 business firms were added to agricultural IIC and totally 152 stationed industries were advised. Our agricultural IIC assisted the industries to successfully apply the industry-research cooperation plan for 1 case, also Government grants plans for 5 cases (the grant up to NTD5 million), winning 5 national/international awards, investment boosted over NTD98 million; besides, employment of 140 people was promoted; tutoring for 31 companies to participate 19 exhibitions; technology transfer to the agricultural IIC business firms for 20 cases, total license fee amount for NTD5.1 million.