

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.3.2-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:劉恩良
  • 研究人員:黃德威、楊順德

本計畫之目標在建立鯉科魚類雌核生殖技術,成為未來其它經濟性魚類雌性化與保 種方式之重要參考。玉如意與金魚皆屬Carassius auratus,然而體態和體色因長期 選育的結果,具有高度的多樣性。可用來區別子代具父方或母方遺傳的指標。我們 取玉如意和金魚雌雄各10尾,分玉如意池與金魚池兩池馴養,觀察生殖行為,並收 集受精卵孵化後育苗觀察子代性狀。取精取卵前一日,先將雄玉如意與雌金魚分開 在不同兩個水族箱。取精取卵當日配製Hank's solution。再行取精液;並置入 Hank's solution混合。將含有精液的培養皿至入UV crosslinker開機2分鐘後,與 從雌魚取出之卵子受精後,培養受精卵發育孵化後藉由Carassius auratus genomic DNA 6個基因座,進行所謂Haplotype analysis 單套型分析,藉此瞭解本 實驗中子代雌核生殖的個體比例約有1~2%。


The purpose of this project is aimed at the establisment of the gynogenesis technology for the Cyprinidae and is also expected to provide the experimental information for other economic fish species and femilization of fish in the future. Comet goldfish and goldfish which belong to Carassius auratus have variant figures and body colors due to long term breeding and selection. We will culture the 10 mature males and females of both fish in two tanks. In the meantime, we will observe their spawning behaviour and collect the fertilized eggs for developmental observation. Comet goldfish and goldfish will be seperated in two tanks before collecting the eggs and milt. The collected milt will be mixed with freshly prepared Hank's solution and then irradiated for 2 mins by using UV crosslinker. The inactivated sperms will subject to the collected eggs for artificial fertilization.    We  used 6 gene locus for haplotype analysis in which the results indicated that the ratio of gynogenesis among the progenies was about 1~2%.