

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.3.2-水-A1(4)
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:張素容
  • 研究人員:葉信利、邱靜山、邱英哲、鄭鴻輝

建構整合型多營養階利用養殖系統,利用不同生物特性進行混養養殖和彼此生物及 吸收不同營養特性,型成一個互利的生態系統。應用此互利的生態養殖模式可減少 在產品養殖過程中對環境的衝擊破壞避免大量耗水和污染環境,達到生態養殖的觀 念。本年度擬應用鹹水整合型多營養階利用養殖系統,組合黃鱲鰺、牡蠣和龍鬚菜 養殖,並添加光合菌輔助水質,建立黃鱲鰺於系統中的養殖模式,並評估其養殖效 益。發展對環境友善養殖系統,以生產安全水產品,提升產值促進產業升級。應用 整合型多營養階利用養殖系統,組合魚類、牡蠣和龍鬚菜養殖,並添加光合菌輔助 水質。經過10個月養殖, 放養黃鱲鰺體重65.3±9.6g、體長13.1±0.3cm到體重 665.5±69.5g、體長25.7±0.7 cm。監測水質環境,魚蝦池pH、溫度、鹽度、透明度 、溶氧均在適合養殖範圍內,氨氮、亞硝酸氮濃度均在安全濃度以下。本次收穫總 重2150 kg、飼料轉換率為2.02。


We try to construct integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems and build a mutually beneficial ecosystem by using different habits of aquatic organisms and absorption of different nutrients in polyculture of seawater ponds. The model of mutually beneficial ecosystem can decrease the environment destruction, water consuming and the environment pollution during the process of the cultivating and the effective method to reduce the ocean resources consuming. In this year, we intend to culture the Snubnose pompano in the constructed integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) system that combing the cultivation of fish with Gracilaia and oyster in salt water and evaluate the benefits of farming. We hope to develop friendly farming systems to produce safe aquatic products, enhanceproduction value and promote industrial upgrading.Through combining the cultivation of finfish with Gracilaia and oyster, we have uccessfully established integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA) system. Furthermore, photosynthesis bacteria were used to improve the water quality. After 10 months of rearing, the growth in weight (total length) of pompano increase from 65.3±9.6g to 665.5±69.5 g (13.1±0.3 cm to 25.7±0.7 cm) in in the northern system. Finally, during the period of experiments, pH, temperature, salinity, transparency, dissolved oxygen in fish ponds are suitable for breeding, and ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen concentrations are also below the safe concentration.Then, total weight 987.0 kg was harvested after 10 moths breeding, and and feed conversion ratios (FCR) of the fish were 2.02.