

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.5.4-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:蕭玉晨
  • 研究人員:楊順德、陳冠如

本研究擬持續對特定高經濟價值或不易繁殖之淡水觀賞魚進行種原收集與蓄養、建 立人工繁殖、稚幼魚苗培育技術及育成新品種(系),以增加觀賞魚市場競爭力。本 年度延續過去研究成果進行慈鯛魚類繁養殖試驗,為提高慈鯛雜交配對繁殖成功率 ,擬嘗試用人工催熟技術試驗,期望能達到人工繁殖採卵,並彙整研究成果提供觀 賞魚產業界參考。今年我們成功在金錢豹慈鯛透過人工催熟完成採卵繁殖,並試驗 軟水系統中小型脂鯉科成長較佳,可應用於未來的試驗。


In this study, we established artificial propagation techniques with the aim of increasing the freshwater ornamental fish market competitiveness. We carried out studies on cichlid breeding about hybrid lowland cichlid ( Herichthys carpintis) and red devil cichlid (Cichlasoma citrinellum) in the past two years, after that, the artificial propagation experiments were successfully obtained on lowland cichlid, and we need more data to confirm the maturity and hormone dose on male cichlids fish. Our experiments have confirmed that small Galacinidae grows better in soft water systems, it can be used for future research.