

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-20.2.1-水-A1
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:農業綠能多元發展之整合性關鍵技術研發與推動
  • 主持人:藍揚麒
  • 研究人員:翁進興、何珈欣、陳郁凱、余淑楓

    本研究於109年5月7日至苗栗離岸風場內完成1組水面浮式養殖設施之設置,進 行牡蠣、黑蝶貝、貽貝等貝類及中國半葉馬尾藻之離岸養殖試驗。並於109年7月1日 及9月17日進行貝類成長與死亡率調查。7月調查期間,單體牡蠣之成長速度快(9.2- 9.9 mm/month),且死亡率低(3.3-8.3 %);9月時由於籠具內存在許多扁蟲,大幅提 高其死亡率(56.7 %)。傳統式蚵串養殖牡蠣養殖約2個月後達採收殼長,其平均殼長 由23 mm增長至55.5 mm。黑蝶貝養殖籠具因消失未尋得,無法調查其成長與死亡狀 況。貽貝於9月調查時成長至55.8±7.9 mm,成長率為0.8 mm/month,累計死亡率僅 7.8 %,但於養殖籠具內發現許多殼長小於1 cm之幼苗。中國半葉馬尾藻於葉狀部斷 落後,至今仍未觀察到新的葉狀部長出。

    苗栗離岸風場內,海水中之金屬含量低;其底泥中,鎳、銅、鎘、鉛、鉻、砷 、汞及鋅之含量均低於「土壤污染管制標準」針對食用作物農地限值之規範。傳統 式蚵串方式養殖之牡蠣,養殖4個半月後,其金屬含量均低於衛生福利部規範之上限 值。

    本研究於4-7月期間,使用3D列印之附苗設備於彰化王功區傳統牡蠣養殖場內進 行附苗試驗,附苗設備附著大量牡蠣苗,且可透過人工方式剝離,可大量製作成天 然的單體牡蠣苗,未來可應用於離岸風場內養殖使用。


    This study completed the setting up of a floating aquaculture facilities in the offshore wind farm of Miaoli on May 7, 2020,  for breeding experiment on shellfish such as Crassostrea angulata, Pinctada margaritifera, Perna viridis and Sargassum hemiphyllum var. chinense. Shellfish growth and mortality surveys were conducted on 1 July and 17 September 2020. The single oyster grew at a rapid rate (9.2-9.9 mm/month) with low mortality rates (3.3-8.3%) during the survey on July, but the mortality rate increased significantly when the Platyhelminthes appeared in September. The traditional-cultured oysters reach harvest length after 2 months, the average shell length increased from 23 mm to 55.5 mm. The culture cage of Pinctada margaritifera was disappear, and was not possible to investigate its growth and death. The mussels of Perna viridis grew to 55.8±7.9 mm during the survey on September, with a growth rate of 0.8 mm/month, and its cumulative mortality rate was only 7.8%. There were many seedlings of Perna viridis with shell lengths less than 1 cm were found in the cage. The Sargassum hemiphyllum var. chinense algae broke in the leaf-like part, and no new leaf-shaped ministerial out has yet been observed.

    In the offshore wind farm of Miaoli, the contents of metals in seawater were low, and the contents of Ni, Cu, Cd, Pb, Cr, As, Hg, Zn in the bottom mud were lower than the limits of "soil pollution control standard" for agricultural land of edible crops. The contents of metals in the traditional-cultured oyster was lower than the limit of the Ministry of Health and Welfare's specifications after 4.5 months of breeding.

    The 3D-printed seedling equipment was used in the seedling test in the traditional oyster farm of Changhua Wanggong, and attached to a large number of oyster seedlings. This attached oyster can be peeled off artificially to produce a large number of single oyster seedlings, and can be used in offshore wind farm breeding.