

  • 日期:111-10-24
  • 計畫編號:110農科-6.1.2-水-A3(2)
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:莊世昌
  • 研究人員:陳均龍、金建邦

  1. 經由蟹類漁獲採樣分析,細點圓趾蟹之雌雄性比(雄蟹/雌蟹*100)為21.67,雌蟹佔比大於雄蟹,平均體長為84.65±31.89 mm,平均體重為179.82±188.35 g,雌蟹體型略大於雄蟹,體長體重關係式為Y=7.2e^0.348X,在10月份開始發現抱卵母蟹。

  2. 2020年萬里區捕蟹漁船預估產量可達約1627.5 t。蟹籠漁船的主要產季在9月至12月間,產量及產值均達高峰,在10月時,平均每船漁獲量為2,497.2 kg,換算產值約等於117.8萬元。2021年截至9月,8月是2021年產量及產值最高的月份,平均每船漁獲量可達2,622.9 kg ,換算產值約等於94.6萬元。在調查期間西北海域蟹籠漁業漁獲組成比例最高者為鏽斑蟳,佔53.38 %,次高為紅星梭子蟹,佔36.49 %,接著依序為善泳蟳(4.38 %)、章魚(3.58 %)、螺類(含木瓜螺及鳳螺,0.37 %)、其他蟳蟹類(包括遠海梭子蟹、三疣梭子蟹等,1.29 %) 、鯊條類(0.44 %)、鰻類(0.06 %) 等,主要目標物種鏽斑蟳、紅星梭子蟹及善泳蟳即佔總漁獲量的94.25 %。

  3. 本年度9、10月份由觀察員協助至捕蟹漁船採樣,取最後一籠次的全部蟹類漁獲帶回實驗室分析組成。共捕獲紅星梭子蟹132隻、鏽斑蟳106隻,善泳蟳9隻,紅星梭子蟹之雌蟹抱卵比例為19.3 %,另有57.8 %達生殖腺成熟;鏽斑蟳之雌蟹抱卵比例為8.5 %,9月份有90.5 %雌蟹呈現排完卵後狀態,10月份有77.5 %處於卵巢發育初期。


  1. According to the crab catch sampling, the ratio of female to male (male /female*100) of the is 21.67. The proportion Ovalipes punctatus of female crabs is larger than that of male crabs. The average body length is 84.65 ±31.89 mm, and the average weight is 179.82±188.35 g, the size of female crabs is slightly larger than that of male crabs, and the relationship between body length and weight is Y=7.2e^0.348X. Egg-carrying female crabs have been found in October.

  2. In 2020, the catch of crab fishing boats in Wanli District is estimated to be about 1627.5t. The main production season of crab cage fishing boats is from September to December, and both the catch and catch value reach the peak. In October, the average catch per boat was 2,497.2 kg, which is equivalent to approximately 1.178 million NTD. In 2021, the month with the highest catch and value in September and August. The average catch per boat mcan reach 2,622.9 kg, and approximately equal to 946,000 NTD. During the survey period, the highest proportion of crab cage fishery catches in the northwestern waters was Charybdis feriatus, accounting for 53.38 %, and the second highest was Portunus sanguinolentus, accounting for 36.49 %, followed by Charybdis natator (4.38 %), octopus (3.58 %), and sea snails (0.37 %), other crabs (1.29 %), sharks (0.44 %), eels (0.06 %), etc., the main target species accounted for 94.25 % of the total catch.

  3. In September and October of 2021, observers assisted in sampling from crab fishing boats, taking all the crab catches from the last cage and bringing them back to the laboratory for analysis. A total of 132 P. sanguinolentus, 106 C. feriatus and 9 C. natator were captured. The female crabs bearing eggs of P. sanguinolentus had 19.3 %, and another 57.8 % reached gonad maturity; C. feriatus had 8.5 % of egg-bearing female crabs. 90.5 % are in the post-ovulation state in September, and 77.5 % are in the early stage of ovarian development in October.