

  • 日期:113-01-26
  • 計畫編號:113農科-6.1.2-水-15
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:楊清閔
  • 研究人員:賴繼昌、吳禾翌芠、林堉琪、陳秋月、楊錦樺、吳浩祥、吳伊淑、張致銜、何珈欣

氣候變遷的影響下,全球升溫加劇且極端氣候的頻度與幅度增加,已直接衝擊到臺 灣的漁撈漁業與水產養殖。面對氣候變遷的風險與不確定因素下,臺灣的漁撈漁業 與水產養殖業必須滾動式檢討因應的調適措施,維持水產品的穩定生產,提昇臺灣 漁業與水產養殖業的調適能力、強化韌化和降低脆弱度,建構出更具韌性與永續性 的生產體系。水產試驗所責無旁貸,應積極面對且反應社會需求。為能掌握漁民對 氣候變遷的認知、產業遭遇的困境與影響產業的衝擊因子,以及本所投入有關氣候 變遷的調適策略研究計畫是否能夠嘗試解決技術性的問題與困境。本研究第1階段將 進行盤點所內有關氣候變遷的研究計畫,針對漁撈漁業及水產養殖的不同品項,檢 視研究內容之調適策略的成果或持續執行中的情形,對技術性的問題點提供更具體 的達成目標與解方,對政策性的問題點則提出研擬調適策略政策之參考依據。第2階 段則挑選水產類的重點品項,直接聽取漁業現在所面臨的問題點與困境,並建立其 重要性的排序與共識。第3階段則依前2階段結果,進行該水產重點品項之因應氣候 變遷調適策略的缺口與未來執行的展望。


Under the influence of climate change, global warming has intensified and the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events have increased, which has directly impacted Taiwan's fishery and aquaculture industries. In the face of the risks and uncertainties of climate change, Taiwan's fisheries and aquaculture industries must review adaptation measures on a rolling basis to maintain stable production of aquatic products, enhance the adaptive capacity of Taiwan's fishery and aquaculture industries, strengthen resilience and reduce vulnerability, and build a more resilient and sustainable production system. Fisheries Research Institute has unshirkable responsibilities and should actively face and respond to social needs. In order to understand fishermen’s perception of climate change, the difficulties encountered by the industry, the impact factors affecting the industry, and whether the research program on climate change adaptation strategies invested in by the Institute can attempt to solve the technical problems and dilemmas.

In the first phase of this study, an inventory of the Institute's research programs on climate change will be conducted to review the results of the adaptation strategies or the ongoing implementation of the research on different items of fisheries and aquaculture, to provide more specific goals and solutions for the technical problems, and to provide a reference basis for the formulation of adaptation strategies for the policy problems. In the second stage, we selected key aquatic products and listened directly to the problems and dilemmas faced by the fishery industry, and established an order of importance and a consensus. In the third stage, based on the results of the first two stages, the gap of climate change adaptation strategies for the key aquatic products and the outlook for future implementation were conducted.