

  • 日期:112-05-03
  • 計畫編號:112農科-1.6.1-水-A1
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:邱韻霖
  • 研究人員:許雅筑、廖紫嬿、林慧秋、劉建伸

白棘三列海膽(Tripneustes gratilla)又稱馬糞海膽主要分布印度洋及太平洋 暖水海域,具生長快速的特性,為日本體型最大的商業化海膽, 在臺灣馬糞海膽為 主要的食用海膽之一,並擁有其繁養殖技術,但海膽在野外主要食源為大型海藻 ,在商業模式的利用上有其限制:1.合適的藻種自然資源有限、2.藻類數量和質量 會隨時間改變、3.與其他海洋生物競爭利用、4.採集耗費大量成本、5.商業規模藻 類量難以儲存。因此海膽配合飼料的開發關係著海膽養殖的發展,配合飼料主要以 增進體型生長(縮短上市週期)及生殖線發育為目標,而蛋白質為主要影響因子,且 依照海膽的種類、生長及生殖腺發育階段具不同蛋白質需求量,介於15-50%之間。 而水產飼料多以魚粉為蛋白源,但漁業資源的減少,使得飼料成本不斷的提高,因 此以植物性蛋白作為蛋白源在一般養殖飼料已有相當成果,在海膽飼料中有研究以 大豆蛋白作為替代性蛋白源,發現以50%比例替代魚粉對於海膽生殖線的發育效果最 佳。而飼料的引誘性提高可以間接減少飼料成本的耗費。故本計畫全程目標預計針 對馬糞海膽生長及發育階段開發兩階段人工飼料,並利植物性蛋白質替代50%魚粉來 減少飼料成本,並添加5%的馬尾藻藻粉作為引誘劑,刺激海膽進食率,增加馬糞海 膽的成長效益。縮減養殖戶養殖成本。本年度將針對馬糞海膽成長飼料進行穩定性 飼料開發,並藉由植物性蛋白的替代及引誘劑的添加,觀察2公分馬糞海膽餵食人工 飼料(15、20、25、30蛋白質百分比)至6公分生殖線發育階段的整體生長效率、存活 率及蛋白質效率比,提供技轉業者最適給與的蛋白質飼料比率及投餵量參考。


Tripneustes gratilla, usually called sea urchin, mainly distributes in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. It grows very fast and is the commercial sea urchin with the largest size in Japan. Sea urchin is one of the main edible urchins in Taiwan and could be technically cultured. However, the main food source of sea urchins in the wild is macroalgae which leads to limitations in the utilization of the business model, including 1. The resource of suitable algae is limited. 2. The quantity and quality of algae change over time. 3. Competition with other marine organisms for the utilization of algae. 4.

Collection of algae costs a lot. 5. Difficult storage of algae with the quantity in business model. Therefore, the development of the feed for sea urchins influences the development of sea urchin culture. The objective of the feed is to enhance the growth of body size (shorten the time to product launch) and gonads. Protein is the main factor required during growth. The amount required is between 20~50% according to the species of sea urchin and different stages of growth. The source of proteins in aquacultural feed is mainly fish powder. However, the decrease of fishery resources leads to constant increase of costs of feed. Therefore, vegetable proteins as the source of protein have achieved considerable results in general feeds. Some researches have shown that soy protein could be used as an alternative source of protein in sea urchin feed. And, it was found that replacing fish powder with 50% soy protein would lead to the best effect on the development of sea urchin gonads. The increase of the attractability of feeds could indirectly decreases the cost. Therefore, the overall objective of this project is to develop two-stage artificial feed for the growth and development stages of sea urchins, use vegetable proteins to replace 50% of fish meal to reduce feed costs, and add 5% of Sargassum algae powder as an attractant to stimulate the feeding rate and increase the growth rate as well as reduce the cost of fish farmers. The stability test of the sea urchin feed will be developed this year. With the addition of vegetable protein alternatives and attractant, the overall growth efficiency, survival rate and protein efficiency ratio from 2-cm to 6-cm gonad after feeding artificial feed diets (15, 20, 25, 30 protein percentages) to sea urchin will be observed for providing reference of the optimal protein-feed ratio and feeding amount for further technology transfer.