

  • 日期:112-10-12
  • 計畫編號:112農科-1.6.1-水-A2
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:胡家維
  • 研究人員:潘佳怡、曾秀茹

本計畫規劃收集北太平洋秋刀魚漁場海洋環境輻射值資料,預計透過水試所漁業試 驗船至北太平洋秋刀魚漁場北緯37.5度至41.5度,東經152.5度至153.5度海域進行 樣本收集,本次規劃6個採樣站點,每一個測站點進行4個深度的海水採樣,依據秋 刀魚棲息水深、日方氚水放流管鋪設水深資訊,規劃採集5m、15m、100m、200m海水 ,並利用浮游生物採集網ORI網,對於浮游動物進行收集,以了解該海域浮游動物輻 射值;對於不同深度海水、及浮游動物樣本進行收集,透過輻射值送驗檢測,掌握 我國遠洋漁業海洋環境輻射檢測值結果資料。


The project aims to collect data on radiation levels in the marine environment of the North Pacific saury fishing grounds. It is planned to conduct sample collection in the area ranging from 37.5 degrees to 41.5 degrees latitude and 152.5 degrees to 153.5 degrees longitude in the North Pacific. The project includes six sampling stations, and at each station, water samples will be collected at four different depths. The sampling depths will be determined based on the habitat depth of saury and the depth of the Japanese tritium water release undersea tunnel. The planned depths for water collection are 5m, 15m, 100m, and 200m. In addition, a plankton sampling net (ORI net) will be used to collect planktonic organisms to assess the radiation levels of food organisms in the area. The collected samples, including water at different depths and planktonic organisms, will be analyzed for radiation levels. The goal is to obtain the test results and data on radiation detection values in the marine environment of our country's offshore fisheries.