

  • 日期:112-04-17
  • 計畫編號:112農科-1.6.7-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:楊順德
  • 研究人員:郭裔培、陳建彰、謝豐群、蘇慧敏、劉姵妏

吳郭魚和鱸魚為臺灣重要的養殖物種,以往慣行技術只重視追求單位產量提升,以 增加放養密度和高成長魚種來換取養殖產能,反而忽略維持養殖環境穏定、減低養 殖動物緊迫及周遭環境的生態平衡 。尤其是近年來因氣候變遷,氣溫及水質的劇變 易造成養殖動物緊迫而誘發疾病影響養殖效益。慣行的解決方式是利用藥物控制疾 病以降低死亡率,但以抗生素治療或預防性投藥將增加養殖成本,且衍生抗藥性致 病菌、食用安全疑慮及週遭水域抗生素流布等問題,因此發展替代抗生素的疾病控 制方式有其必要性。利用益生菌預防控制養殖吳郭魚及鱸魚疾病在近年來日益受到 重視,目前養殖業者施用益生菌的方式,多以拌合吸附於飼料後投餵,但也因而致 使微生物添加物的高流失性及增加業者的人力成本,其便利性、劑量、有效生物活 性及養殖成效不一。因此,探討複合機能益生菌以飼料包覆技術並經活性確效產製 之益健飼料,應用於吳郭魚養殖,並依其養殖成效確立複合型益生菌添加飼料技術 套組。111年度已與飼料廠合作商業化量產含益生菌短小芽孢桿菌B. pumilus D5及 L. mesenteroides B4含葡聚糖吳郭魚益健飼料共74公噸。於場外技術驗證吳郭魚益 健飼料技術套組,示範場域養殖結果顯示使用益健飼料能在較高密度養殖下,有效 提升均重及日成長率。育成率提升8.75%~14.5%。用藥週期降低23~55%,總用藥量 /飼料量相對比例降低40~86%。單位面積收益增加1.6~2倍。本年度將進一步驗證鱸 魚益健飼料技術套組,建置場內及場外驗證場域三場,有效增加成長率、活存率及 抗病力,以求達到減抗和增進養殖效益之目標。


Tilapia and bass are both important species for aquaculture in Taiwan. By the conventional culture, it emphasized and aimed at increasing the production volumes of the unit and increasing the culture density and fast-growing species to obtain the high production capacity. However, it was often neglected about the stability of the culture environment and the stress on the farmed species as well as the ecological balance of the surroundings. Especially, the temperature and water quality changes caused the stress which induced the disease outbreak due to the recent climate changes.  The conventional solution is using the drugs to control the diseases and decrease the mortality, but the anti-biotic compounds cause some other problems like drug resistance, food security, water contamination, and cost.  Therefore, it is essential to develop the technology instead of the anti-biotics for controlling the diseases. Recently, it is getting remarkably highlighted to treat the farmed tilapia and perches with the probiotics. The large-scaled feed manufacturers are not able to easily modify the production process to add the probiotics, because the microbial characteristics and adding process such as conservation and expiry dates are different. The project aims at the application of feed processing package with multiple probiotics. In 2022, we cooperated with a feed mill to commercially produce 74 tons of tilapia health feed containing probiotics Bacillus pumilus D5 and Leuconostoc mesenteroides B4 containing dextran. The results of the demonstration field showed that the use of tilapia health feed could effectively increase the average body weight and specific growth ratio under higher density feeding. The feeding rates were increased by 8.75%-14.5%, and the feed efficiencies were increased from 0.59 to 0.92. The medication cycles were reduced by 23-55%, and the relative ratios of total dosage/feed amounts were reduced by 40-86%. The incomes per unit area were increased by 1.6-2 times. In this year, we would build the demonstration field to verify perch health feed, increasing growth rate, survival rate and disease resistance.