

  • 日期:112-04-20
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.1.2-水-A1(4)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:張凱傑
  • 研究人員:陳榮華、王俐文

紅色吳郭魚因其紅色體表而近似嘉鱲及赤鯮等海水高價鯛魚,一直以來價格都較一 般黑色吳郭魚為高,而吳郭魚養殖上主要以單雄性養殖為主,可以有效防止池魚過 度繁殖、減少攻擊性並提高收穫時的總產量,從而為水產養殖帶來更多利潤。但目 前多數業者在放養前仍須仰賴荷爾蒙來控制吳郭魚性別,荷爾蒙的使用也有食品安 全上的疑慮。故本計畫擬先針對淡水中心長年培育保存紅色吳郭魚進行品種品系間 確立,並利用淡水中心現有超雄性吳郭魚選育技術及分子選育技術,進行育種改良 出超雄性紅色吳郭魚。本(112)年度目標: (1) 建立紅色吳郭魚變性雌魚(XY)種原 ,選拔後與正常紅色吳郭魚雄魚(XY)配對繁殖。(2) 將先前經驗證之性別相關基因 座用於子代篩選及育成,並進行其基因型分析,篩選出超雄性紅色吳郭魚子代。


The red tilapia, with its red body, resembles high-priced marine fish such as snapper and sea bream, and has always commanded a higher price than ordinary black tilapia. In tilapia farming, the use of all-male populations can effectively prevent over-breeding and reduce aggression, thereby increasing the total yield at harvest and bringing more profit to aquaculture. However, currently, many farmers still rely on hormones to control the sex of the fish before stocking, raising concerns about food safety. Therefore, this project aims to establish the genetic diversity of red tilapia strains in the freshwater center, and utilize existing techniques for breeding super-males and molecular selection to produce super-male red tilapia. The goals for the current year (2023) are: (1) to establish a source of sex-reversed female (XY) red tilapia, select for breeding with normal male (XY) red tilapia, and (2) use previously verified gender-related gene loci for offspring screening and breeding, and conduct genotype analysis to select super-male red tilapia offspring.