

  • 日期:112-04-20
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.1.2-水-A1
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:劉冠甫

本年度計畫擬延續已建立之經濟性蝦類種蝦庫保種與選育工作,藉由選拔育種法提 高經濟性蝦類成長力與優良特性。工作項目包括:1.種原繼代計保存與種苗緊迫耐受 性評估;2.保存種原成長及環境耐受性選育;3.建立遺傳輔助選拔標記 (MAS)技術 ,進行育種選拔。本畫預期效益為選育國內自有經濟性蝦類優良品系,推廣優質 SPF種蝦與蝦苗給業界應用。 工作細項: 1.藉由選育種提高白蝦、草蝦與淡水長臂大蝦之成長力等特性。 2.藉由引進新族群,提供改善養殖存活率與提高產能的契機。 3.藉由推廣SPF種蝦給業界繁殖場,以大量生產SPF蝦苗供漁民放養。 4.建立有特性之品系種原。 5.建立遺傳輔助選拔標記 (MAS)技術,進行育種選拔。 6.建立品系鑑定平台,進行種原鑑定。


This year's plan is to continue the conservation and breeding work of the established economical shrimp bank, and improve the growth and excellent characteristics of economical shrimp through the selection and breeding method. The work items include: 1. Preservation of the seed generation and stress tolerance assessment of seedlings; 2. Preservation of seed growth and environmental tolerance selection; 3. Establishment of genetically assisted selection marker (MAS) technology for breeding selection. The expected benefit of this painting is to select and breed excellent domestic economical shrimp strains, and to promote high-quality SPF shrimp and shrimp seedlings for the industry to use. Work details: 1. Improve the growth ability and other characteristics of white shrimp, grass shrimp and freshwater long arm prawn through selective breeding. 2. By introducing new populations, it provides an opportunity to improve the survival rate of breeding and increase production capacity. 3. By promoting SPF seedlings to breeding farms in the industry, largescale production of SPF shrimp seedlings can be stocked by fishermen. 4. Establish a strain with characteristics. 5. Establish markers for genetically assisted selection (MAS) technology for breeding selection. 6. Establish a strain identification platform to conduct species identification.