

  • 日期:112-04-20
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.1.2-水-A1(6)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:李曜辰
  • 研究人員:黃德威、陳雨農、劉恩良

 臺灣地形特殊且淡水資源有限。傳統養殖業用水需求較大,加上近年受氣候變 遷之影響,臺灣未來連續不降雨的時間會延長,如何利用有限的淡水資源是臺灣水 產養殖產業須克服的一大課題。本計畫預計建置一套適用於淡水養殖的生態養殖生 產模式,利用浮萍吸收系統中的含氮廢物,提高投入之飼料營養利用率同時,淨化 養殖池水,減少換水量使淡水養殖達到節水及友善環境的效益。藉由浮萍的光合作 用,可以將大氣中的二氧化碳轉換成醣類封存,降低對氣候變遷的影響。本年度計 畫目標預計分析生態養殖生產模式運作之效益,並利用分析浮萍的碳蓄積能力以及 機能性成分含量,來開發浮萍的潛在價值。


Taiwan has limited fresh water resources. Traditional aquaculture industry has a large demand for water. Due to climate change, the Consecutive dry days (CDD) will extend in Taiwan in future. How to use limited freshwater resources is a major issue in aquaculture. This project is aim to establish an ecological farming model for freshwater aquaculture. By using the duckweed to absorb the nitrogen waste, this model can improve the feed nutrient utilization rate and stabilize the water quality in aquaculture pond. Freshwater aquaculture can be a watersaving and environmentally friendly industry by minimizing the overall water utilized for system and waste discharge. Additionally, the photosynthesis of duckweed can capture carbon dioxide from atmosphere in the production process, and convert carbon into sugar for storage, reducing the impact of carbon dioxide on climate change. Present study will investigate the economic feasibility of this ecological farming model. And the amount of carbon storage and functional Ingredients of duckweed will be exam to develop its potential value.