

  • 日期:112-04-20
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.1.2-水-A1(7)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:杜金蓮
  • 研究人員:朱惠真、金映玥、黃奕瑄、曾福生

此本計畫目的為海水吳郭魚之選育,透過海水吳郭魚育種族群建構流程之確立及優 化,並建立育種資材之選留標準,並應用海水吳郭魚全基因組及重要耐鹽、成長等 經濟性狀基因標誌之定位。此外,亦將透過建立第二個海水吳郭魚品種,進行後續 選育、培育和繁殖,並應用基因體育種(genomic breeding)及基因堆疊(gene stacking)技術,改良提升現有養殖物種之耐抗逆境能力。


This project aims to establish and optimize the breeding population of salt-tolerant tilapia, creating selection criteria for breeding material, and apply the whole genome of salt-tolerant tilapia to locate genetic markers for economic traits such as salt tolerance and growth. In addition, we will develop a second species of salt-tolerant tilapia for subsequent selection and breeding. Next, genomic breeding and gene stacking techniques are used to improve and enhance the stress tolerance of existing cultured species.