

  • 日期:112-04-21
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.1.4-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:城振誠
  • 研究人員:吳玉霞、湯慕婷、謝恆毅

短腕岩蝦,身體透明鑲嵌白色斑塊,是一種棲息在熱帶潟湖、海灣和珊瑚礁中與海 葵共生的蝦種。因體型精巧適合棲息在小型水族缸。為了降低自然族群受到人為捕 撈的壓力,建立人工繁殖技術刻不容緩。本計畫進行短腕岩蝦的孵化時間與水溫的 關係,蝦苗對飼育環境條件及餌料條件的試驗,建立最適培育苗的方法,達成人工 繁殖的目標,以利未來量產技術的建立。


Periclimenes brevicarpalis, commonly known as the Anemone shrimp, is a species of shrimp that is throughout tropical lagoons, bays, and reefs Symbiosis with anemones.The body is exquisite and suitable for living in small aquariums. To avoiding overfishing and building an effective culturing system, this study aimed for the artificial propagation of Anemone shrimps, duration of hatching, and water temperature were investigated. In addition, the larval growth and survival rate in different levels of feeding concentrations, time of starvation, salinities and water temperatures were measured. Facilitate the establishment of future mass production technology.