
農委會農業菁英培訓計畫-氣候變遷對於海洋洄游性魚類 食物網之動態模型預測-以太平洋海域翻車魨科魚種為例

  • 日期:113-04-29
  • 計畫編號:112農科-1.3.1-科-m9
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:張景淳

海洋洄游性魚類在每個生活史階段均有洄游行為,在生態系中扮演重要的角色;近 年全球氣候變遷影響海洋環境,海水暖化使得許多地區浮游動物數量增加,透過梯 瀑效應影響海洋洄游性魚類的食物網變動,藉由解析其食物網結構與營養階層動態 ,可了解魚類移動行為及生活史,對其進行有效的漁業管理。然而由於大洋洄游性 魚類游泳範圍太過廣闊,針對生物學與生態學的追蹤與分析不易進行;而洄游太平 洋的翻車魨科魚種,恰可提供研究食物網結構與營養階層動態的良好預測模式。臺 灣東部位於西太平洋貧營養鹽區,有黑潮流經,為許多魚種進行攝食與產卵的洄游 路徑。之前研究結果發現翻車魨會往北移動至日本海域,故本計畫擬以穩定同位素 分析(δ13C、δ15N)與貝氏混合模型解析翻車魨科魚種在太平洋各區域間的攝食情形 與營養位階動態,並比較在不同海域間太平洋的翻車魨科魚種食物網結構。藉由本 研究可量化翻車魨科魚種在不同生活史階段對獵物的攝食情形,同時結合環境因子 探討大型頂端掠食者的攝食行為與環境變動之關聯,瞭解在氣候變遷與漁獲壓力下 ,太平洋海域翻車魨科魚種分布情形與營養階層動態的時空變異,此一預測模式的 建立,未來亦可應用到其他重要的洄游性經濟魚種,提供漁業管理政策之參考。


Pelagic fishes migrate throughout their life history stages and migration plays an important role. Climate change influences the marine environment and the increase of zooplankton’s abundance. The variations affect the food web structure of pelagic fish by trophic cascade to understand their movement behavior and life history. However, pelagic fishes migrate worldwide, and it is difficult to track their movement behavior. The sunfish migrates throughout the Pacific Ocean, regarded as a suitable target for exploring the trophodynamics of food web structures. Taiwan, located in the western Pacific Ocean, is an oligotrophic area and a migrate pathway of pelagic fish for feeding and spawning. Previous studies indicated that sunfish migrated northward to Japan. Thus, the aim of this study is to examine the spatiotemporal trophic dynamics of sunfish by using SIA (δ13C and δ15N) and associated statistical frameworks for SIA data (e.g., Bayesian mixing models). Our study will quantify the relative contribution of various prey types to sunfish diet, and explore relationships between trophic dynamics and environmental variables to more fully understand and predict the influence of ecosystem variability, climate change, and fishing pressure on spatiotemporal distributions and trophic dynamics of sunfish in the North Pacific Ocean.