

  • 日期:113-04-29
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.1.4-水-A1(7)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:陳玉萍
  • 研究人員:黃侑勖

大齒斑鮃(Pseudorhombus arsius)為牙鮃科(Paralichthyidae)斑鮃屬 (Pseudorhombus)魚類。在臺灣主要分布於西部、北部、澎湖海域,屬於熱帶及暖溫 帶底層海魚。經110年與111年鰈形目魚類種原收集與培育試驗,經篩選後發現其物 種活存率高且最大體型可達45公分,具有較高經濟價值。因此,本計畫將進行大齒 斑鮃之研究,建立完全養殖技術並進行推廣,未來也應用於光電設施環境下進行養 殖,以增加水產養殖物種之多樣性及市場競爭力。


Largetooth flounder(Pseudorhombus arsius) belongs to the genus Pseudorhombus of the family Paralichthyidae. In Taiwan, it is mainly distributed in the west, north, and Penghu waters. It belongs to tropical and warm temperate bottom sea fish. After 110 and 111 years of original collection and breeding experiments of flatfish species, it was found after screening that the species has a high survival rate and a maximum size of 45 cm, which has high economic value. Therefore, this project will carry out the research of flounder, establish and promote the complete breeding technology, and in the future, it will also be used in the cultivation of photoelectric facilities to increase the diversity and market competitiveness of aquaculture species.