

  • 日期:113-04-29
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.1.4-水-A2(2)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:許自研
  • 研究人員:陳陽德、王淑欣、張軒銘、蘇義哲

我國屏東海域產有紅藻類之海門冬(Asparagopsis taxiformis),該藻可供食用、藥 用、調味用、飼料添加用、甚至可萃取製成精油,發展潛力多元。以夏威夷為例 ,該藻為當地傳統食材,目前由於人工商業養殖技術尚未確立,主要為季節性採集 野生藻體進行加工,產量及品質較不穩定。本計畫擬採集我國屏東地區海門冬藻種 進行馴養,並透過試驗確立最適溫度、光照、鹽度及營養鹽等培養條件,以建立海 門冬人工繁養殖技術,並提供相關產業從業人員作為商業生產之參考,期能開拓海 藻食用市場,提升漁民收益並穩定生計,進而促進國內經濟發展,創造海藻應用產 業新商機。


A red algae Asparagopsis taxiformis grows in the waters of Pingtung County, Taiwan. It's can be used for edible, medicinal, flavoring, and feed additives, also can even be extracted into essential oils with various development potentials. In Hawaii, algae is a traditional local food. At present, since commercial artificial cultivation techniques have not been established, they mainly harvest wild algae seasonally, and the yield and quality are relatively unstable. The project aims to collect sea asparagus species in the Pingtung area of my country for domestication, and determine the optimal temperature, light, salinity, and nutrition conditions through experiments, in order to establish artificial propagation and reproduction technology of sea asparagus, and provide relevant commercial practitioners with For reference, it is expected to open up the seaweed edible market, increase fishermen's income, stabilize people's livelihood, thereby promoting domestic economic development and creating new business opportunities for the seaweed application industry.