

  • 日期:113-04-30
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.1.5-水-A2(1)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:周芷儀
  • 研究人員:郭錦朱、張博淵、周子逸

午仔魚(四絲馬鮁,Eleutheronema tetradactylum)肉質鮮美細緻,為目前臺灣南部 海水魚養殖重要魚種,主要養殖生產區為屏東縣佳冬、枋寮一帶,是一種高經濟價 值的養殖魚種。近年臺灣地區氣候變化及環境變遷現象加劇,造成養殖環境變動 ,魚體為適應環境需花費更多能量而造成體弱,尤其是在天氣劇烈變化之後,養殖 期間的午仔魚發生細菌及寄生蟲性疾病的現象屢見不鮮。養殖戶在養殖期間為提高 產值常提高放養密度,同時為了縮短養殖時間密集投餌,這種不適當之養殖操作更 促進午仔魚的疾病爆發,為提高午仔魚對逆境緊迫的耐受力,本計畫擬評估膽鹼、 色胺酸、類胡蘿蔔素、維生素C及E等飼料添加劑提升午仔魚耐逆境緊迫力的效果。 這些添加物可提升魚體健康和減緩養殖環境對魚產生的壓力,藉由飼料添加製成機 能飼料,建立其應用方法,並輔以養殖投餵技術,發展因地制宜的養殖策略,進而 減少養殖用藥情形,促進午仔魚健康生產。


Eleutheronema tetradactylum is currently an important fish species for marine fish farming in southern Taiwan. The main production areas are Jiadong and Fangliao in Pingtung County. In recent years, climate change and environmental changes in Taiwan have intensified, resulting in changes in the breeding environment. The fish need to spend more energy to adapt to the environment, bring about frailty. Especially after drastic changes in weather, the fish during the culturing period become getting bacterial epidemic and parasitic infection easier. During the breeding period, farmers often increase the stocking density and feeding frequency in order to increase the output value and shorten the breeding time. This kind of inappropriate breeding operation promotes the disease outbreak of fish.In order to improve the tolerance of fish to stressful adversity, this project intends to evaluate the effect of feed additives such as choline, tryptophan, carotenoids, vitamins C and E in enhancing the tolerance of fish to stressful adversity. These feed additives can enhance the fish body healthy and alleviate the stress on the breeding environment. By adding feed additives to feed to make functional feed,supplemented by breeding feeding technology, develop a breeding strategy tailored to local conditions, thereby reducing the use of drugs in breeding, and promoting healthy production of fish.