

  • 日期:113-04-30
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.1.5-水-A2(2)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人: 陳陽德
  • 研究人員:許自研、王淑欣、王鐘慶

午仔魚為我國近年來最重要的海水養殖物種,種苗需求大增,但種苗生產的產業育 成率約為20%,且其魚苗品質不穩定,導致後續養殖期間疾病頻發且育成率不佳,也 因此造成不當用藥的情形。本研究目的為了利用高營價值微藻(如等鞭金藻、擬球藻 等)與市售益生菌(芽孢桿菌等)滋養午仔魚苗育苗用餌料生物(輪蟲、橈腳類),提高 餌料生物營養價值與減少其疾病帶原,提升種苗生產育成率與種苗品質,以達到午 仔魚養殖產業永續的目的。


The east asian fourfinger threadfin, Eleutheronema tetradactylum, is the most important mariculture species in recent years in Taiwan. The demand of larvae is increasing greatly. The success rate of larval fish production in the industry is only about 20% and the quality of larvae is unstable. Leading to disease outbreaks in the subsequent cultivation period and the survival rate is decreasing. It also causes the improper drug use by fish farmers. In this study, we want to use high nutritional value microalgae (Isochrysis galbana, and Nannochloropsis oculata, etc.) and commercially available probiotics (Bacillus sp., etc.) to enrich live food of larval breeding for east asian fourfinger threadfin. It can improve the nutrition and also reduce the carry of pathogen for live food. Therefore, the success rate of larval production and the quality of seedlings are improved, so as to achieve the sustainable development of culture industry for the east asian fourfinger threadfin, Eleutheronema tetradactylum.