
優質午仔魚種苗生產技術之建立--魚苗量產及種苗健康度 評估

  • 日期:113-04-30
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.1.5-水-A2(3)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:朱永桐
  • 研究人員:邱沛盛、吳承憬、張丁仁、黃建維、許晉榮、張哲誠

午仔魚苗通常品質良莠不齊且不穩定,育苗和運輸期間的緊迫,都可能會降低養成 成果。優質種苗被認為是水產養殖發展的重要限制因素,種苗的優劣良窳事關養成 成效,因此需要一個“簡單可靠的方法”來確定養殖場或孵化場的種苗品質,這將 有助於提高養殖的成效。本計畫擬以溫度、鹽度、化學試藥等進行耐受性試驗測試 魚苗品質做為評估依據。 本年度計畫內容除了進行育苗及中間育成的再現性評估外,另項主要工作項目為評 估魚苗健康度(品質),評估分析項目有畸形發生率、寄生蟲數目、細菌病原PCR分析 及環境因子的抗緊迫分析等,希望藉這些數據建立評估依據並建立標準方法作為國 內健康種苗品質評估參考。


The quality of five finger thteadfin larvae is usually uneven and unstable. Stress during larviculture and transportation usually result in losses. High-quality seedlings are considered to be an important limiting factor for the development of aquaculture. Therefore, a "simple and reliable method" is needed to determine the quality of seedlings in farms or hatcheries, which will help improve aquaculture performance. This plan intends to use temperature, salinity and chemical reagents to make tolerance tests to evaluate the quality of larvae. In addition to evaluate the reproducibility of larvae rearing and nursery in this year, another major work item is to evaluate the quality of post larvae. The analysis items include the incidence of deformities, the number of parasites, PCR analysis of bacterial pathogens and anti-stress analysis of environmental factors.We wish these data can be used to establish an evaluation basis and establish a standard method as a reference for the quality evaluation of domestic healthy seedlings.