

  • 日期:112-05-17
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.1.5-水-A3(4)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:張素容
  • 研究人員:許晉榮、黃致中、邱靜山、鄭鴻輝

文蛤是臺灣養殖重要物種,但自1967年起即發生不明原因大量死,可能原因包括溫 度、強降雨、環境汙染和疾病等,至今尚未有定論。而許多報導都顯示文蛤養殖池 添加益生菌,可增加其養殖成功的機率。因此,本計畫調查施用光合菌對文蛤免疫 力 (血球相、中性紅攝取、吞噬作用和活性氧離子的產生)之影響,期能應用於探討 田間益生菌施用對文蛤免疫力的效益。


The hard clam (Meretrix spp.) is a common and important bivalve species, cultivated along the southwest coast of the island of Taiwan. However, the hard clam has suffered high mortality each spring and summer since 1969 . Possible causes have been suggested, such fluctuating temperature, sudden change of salinity after heavy rainfall, industrial pollution, pesticide pollution and infectious shellfish diseases, but the exact cause remains unknown. However, many reports shows that applicaion in farm of probiotics could increase the growth rate of hard clam. The aim of this work is to  study the effects of photosynthetic bacteria on Immunological parameters , inculding hemograms, neutral red uptake assay, phagocytosis assay and reactive oxygen species produuction in the cultured hard clam in Taiwan. This investigation is valuable in increasing understanding the benifits of probiotics applying in the health of the hard clam.