

  • 日期:112-03-31
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.2.1-水-A1
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:陳建彰
  • 研究人員:張錦宜、蘇慧敏、楊順德、劉姵妏、謝豐群

海豚鏈球菌、無乳鏈球菌及乳酸鏈球菌為三種水產病原常見鏈球菌,會感染海水魚 、 淡水魚及半淡鹹水魚,包括多種高經濟價值魚種包括吳郭魚、鱸魚、烏魚、石斑 及四絲馬鮁等,每年在7~9月高溫季節之間,經常發現感染案例,常造成養殖業者的 嚴重損失。因此本計畫擬開發常見鏈球菌快速檢測套組,能於養殖現場獨立操作 ,自行檢測水體環境及魚體內病原菌數量,具備簡易、快速、選別性、高準確性、 高專一性及靈敏度,並能定量分析與藥物敏感性測試,以評估目前的風險指數、檢 測養殖物健康情形及最適藥物使用,以及早預防、控制損失及降低成本。


The streptococci pathogen is commomly founded in farmed fish. The bacterial disease causes serious mortality of marine fish, freshwater fish and brackish water fish, such as tilapia, sea bass, mullet, grouper and fourfinger threadfin. During high water temperature period, cases of infection are often found, causing serious losses to the aquaculture industry. This project intends to develop a rapid detection kit with simple, rapid, selective, high accuracy, high specificity and sensitivity which can be operated independently on the farm, detecting the number of common Streptococci in fish and environment , and can be used for quantitative analysis and drug sensitivity testing. By assessing the current risk index, monitoring the health of farmed fish and selecting the most suitable drug, it can achieve early prevention, reduce losses and lower the cost.