

  • 日期:112-05-17
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.4.2-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:嚴國維
  • 研究人員:潘佳怡、曾秀茹、陳瑞谷、黃仕豪、簡向農

全球環境變遷、海洋生態惡化及漁業資源銳減等多重衝擊,臺灣漁業經營環境愈顯 嚴峻。氣候變遷造成造成魚群分布的改變,亦直接影響魚群洄游路徑與時間,造成 漁場的改變,對漁業資源造成深遠的影響,而海水溫鹽等水團特性則是影響漁場、 漁期變動的關鍵因子。為此,水產試驗所於2003年起著手實施「臺灣周邊海域漁場 環境監測」計畫,於周邊海域設置 62個測站定期蒐集水溫、鹽度、營養鹽、葉綠素 、浮游動物等漁場環境資訊,嘗試透過長期資料庫之建置來瞭解臺灣周邊海域長期 水文、海況及漁業生物時空分佈資訊,進而掌握影響周邊海域漁業資源變動的機制 ,及時發現問題並提供解決對策,期能降低氣候變遷之衝擊。


Taiwan's marine fisheries were encountering the challenge of climate change, deterioration of the marine environment, and the decline of fishery resources. Climate change leads to rising sea water temperature, with the consequences of changing habitats, alteration of distribution boundary, and changing fishing grounds. The effect of climate change is profound for fishery resources and the characteristics of water masses are the key factors that affect the variation of fishing grounds and fishing season. As a result, Fisheries Research Institute implemented “Taiwan Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (TaiCOFI)” program in 2003 to conduct cruises to collect water temperature, salinity, nutrients, chlorophyll-a and zooplankton measurements at 62 stations in the surrounding waters of Taiwan. Through this thorough investigation, we try to understand the coupling of physical, chemical and biological dynamics in the surrounding waters of Taiwan to figure out the factors associated with the fluctuation of fishery resources and to monitor our ocean and to detect anomalies effectively and to find a way to mitigate the impact of climate change.