

  • 日期:113-05-17
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.4.2-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:陳姵菡
  • 研究人員:葉宇庭、劉祐瑜、林綉美、歐麗榛、莊美英、游庭于、陳俊廷

調查臺灣淺堆周邊海域環境及浮游生物現況,於各固定測站投放溫深鹽探測計以取 得臺灣淺堆周邊海域水文環境因子資料,並以浮游生物網採集各測站之浮游動物 ,將採集之樣本攜回研究試進行外部型態鑑定,將相關生物資料進行浮游生物物種 組成現況分析、季節豐度變動之分析及多樣性指數比較,期能透過此一長期之系統 系調查,探討臺灣淺堆浮游動物群聚之情形,以作為當地制定漁業管理政策或調整 相關管理措施之參考背景資料。


This study will focus on the investigation for the environmental factors and zooplankton assemblages in the waters around Taiwan Bank. Shipboard measurements (R/V Hai-An) of temperature and salinity profiles will be obtained with a conductivity–temperature–depth profiler, and zooplankton will be collected by plankton net at each fixed station. To understand the seasonal variation of zooplankton, the density and biodiversity index of zooplankton will be calculated. The biological sample data can also explore the species composition and zooplankton community in the waters around Taiwan Bank. We will conduct a long-term investigation for zooplankton in this area and try to offer some useful suggestion for local fisheries management unit.