

  • 日期:112-05-17
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.4.2-水-A2(1)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:曾振德

對漁船作業而言,漁海況資料的提供非常重要。漁民作業雖可藉由網路平台接收各 種氣象資料,但作業漁船一旦脫離陸地基地台涵蓋範圍後就無法接收資料,致使漁 海況資料無法發揮效益。本研究以鎖管燈火漁業為標的,開發可雙向傳遞資訊的漁 船作業資料資自動收集系統,即時將漁海況資料傳送作業漁船參考。另一方面,近 年來受氣候變遷影響,漁業資源分布亦隨之改變,漁業經營亦須隨之調適,對此 ,首要工作即在於對資源分布的了解,本研究以數值模擬為主,輔以利用環境DNA進 行大範圍物種分布調查,藉以了解臺灣周邊3種重要頭足類經濟物種(劍尖槍鎖管、 中國槍鎖管、杜氏鎖管)分布之變化。


For fishing operations, the provision of fishing and environmental data is very important. Although fishermen can receive various meteorological data through the network platform at this stage, once the fishing vessels leave the coverage of the land base mobile phone station, they cannot receive the data, which makes the fishing and environmental data unable to exert benefits. This study takes the sword tip squid torch light fishery as the target, and develops an automatic collection system for fishery data that can transmit information in two directions, and transmits fishery and environmental data to operating fishing vessels for reference in real time. On the other hand, due to the impact of climate change in recent years, the distribution of fishery resources has also changed accordingly, and fishery management must also be adjusted accordingly. For this, the primary task is to understand the changing allocation of resources. This study is mainly based on numerical simulation, supplemented by using environmental DNA to conduct a largescale species distribution survey,  to understand the changes in the distribution of three crucial cephalopod economic species around Taiwan (Uroteuthis edulis, U. chinensis, and U.  duvauceli).