

  • 日期:112-06-06
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.4.2-水-A2(4)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:吳允暉
  • 研究人員:鄭力綺、黃星翰、金建邦、翁進興、陳人裕、吳伊淑

帶魚屬魚類在2021年漁獲量為11,589公噸,產值達13億元,為臺灣沿近海域重要經 濟性物種之一。本年度目標利用本所試驗船建立北部海域帶魚漁獲熱點聲學探測資 料及環境資料之蒐集並進行生物採樣,以期瞭解臺灣北部海域帶魚漁獲熱點之時空 分布狀況及帶魚魚種組成,並利於未來分析掌握影響帶魚資源分布之關鍵因子;另 同步於全臺灣重要港口、漁法蒐集帶魚屬魚類樣本,進行魚種組成分析及生殖生物 學研究,運用組織學方式鑑定南海帶魚卵巢發育情形,分析其生殖腺指數、孕卵數 、50%性成熟體長及生殖期等參數,以作為日後進行資源解析評估及漁業管理之參考 。


Trichirus spp. was caught 13,189 metric tons in 2020 with an production value of 1.3 billion NT, it became one of the important economic species around the coastal and offshore of Taiwan. In order to understand the temporal and spatial distribution and species composition of cutlassfish fishing hotspots, this study focuses on the acoustic survey, environmental data, and biological sampling in the northern waters off Taiwan. In addition, we sample cutlassfishes for species composition analysis and reproductive biology research. This study uses histological methods to identify the developmental status of cutlassfishes, and analyzes its gonadosomatic index (GSI), fecundity, size at maturity and spawning period to explore the reproductive biological characteristics of the cutlassfishes in waters off Taiwan, as a reference for future resource analysis, assessment and management.