

  • 日期:112-06-06
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.4.2-水-A2(5)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:林憲忠
  • 研究人員:江偉全、許紅虹、張綦璿、吳瑞賢

鬼頭刀( Coryphaena hippurus )廣泛分佈於熱帶、亞熱帶及溫帶水溫>20℃之表層 海域,屬於高度洄游魚類,在許多沿岸國家皆有漁獲紀錄。在西太平洋,鬼頭刀則 分布在紐西蘭南部到日本北部,並在日本和臺灣的黑潮水域資源特別豐富,屬於臺 灣沿近海之重要漁獲種類。臺灣北部、東部及南部之三大漁港終年皆有鬼頭刀漁獲 ,主要盛漁期為4~6月(春天)漁獲量最高峰,次盛漁期為9~11月(秋天)。鬼頭刀為大 洋性洄游魚種之一,且為臺灣東部商業性之主要漁獲。洄游魚類為了尋求合適的生 存環境因而出現移動特徵,因此時間和空間尺度上的動態是魚類生態學的研究重點 之一,而掌握漁船在海上漁業活動的漁場動態是漁業管理重要的一環。本研究利用 樣本船之漁業作業資料進行漁場時空分布及漁獲組成。為了解析鬼頭刀與漁業的相 互作用、溫度喜好、分布模式及洄游海域,將使用生物紀錄科學,來提供高分辨鬼 頭刀的行為資料,以了解在海洋條件下轉移與具體行為之改變。整體的研究結果將 能了解臺灣東部海域鬼頭刀漁業漁場及資源之時空變動以及鬼頭刀的棲息特徵及移 動型態,將能提供未來漁業管理之重要科學依據。


Dolphinfish ( Coryphaena hippurus ) are an abundant, wide-ranging epipelagic predatory fish found in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters warmer than ~20°C. The species is highly migratory, and is caught by many coastal fisheries throughout its range. In the western Pacific Ocean, dolphinfish are distributed from New Zealand to Japan, and are especially abundant in the Kuroshio Current off Japan and Taiwan. In Taiwan, dolphinfish comprises an important component of coastal and offshore fisheries. The catch of dolphinfish varies throughout the year in the three major Taiwanese fishing ports (northern, eastern and southern coasts), with large seasonal peaks in April–June (spring) and smaller peaks in September–November (autumn). Dolphinfish is one of the pelagic migratory species and is the main commercial catch in eastern Taiwan. Movement characteristic of migratory fish occurs to adapt to the environmental conditions. Therefore, spatial-temporal dynamics is one of the research interests for fish ecology. In addition, understanding of the dynamics of fishing ground for vessels is an important issue for fisheries management. This study will analyze the spatial and temporal distribution and catch composition of the fishing ground for the dolphinfish fisheries using the catch data by sample vessel. To achieve understand fisheries interactions, thermal habitat, vertical and migration corridors these goals, the project will employ biologging science to provide the high-resolution behavioral data that is required to understand how the specific behaviors of dolphinfish change in relation to shifting oceanographic conditions. The overall results will understand the temporal and spatial changes of the dolphinfish fishery ground and abundance index of eastern Taiwan as well as the habitat characteristics and movement patterns of the dolphinfish, which will provide scientific information to fisheries management and habitat protection for this species.