

  • 日期:112-06-06
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.5.1-水-A1
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:吳瑞賢
  • 研究人員:許鐘鋼、翁進興、何珈欣、朱永桐、李彥宏、鄭明忠、賴繼昌、陳秋月....

鬼頭刀Coryphaena hippurus、杜氏鰤Seriola dumerili、康氏馬加鰆 Scomberomorus commerson、長腰鮪 Thunnus tonggol皆為重要的商業物種,全球之 需求量日增。本研究將進行鬼頭刀及杜氏鰤的生殖生物學研究、種魚培育及人工催 熟。其後觀察胚胎發育過程及魚苗形態的變化。鬼頭刀魚苗可供未來商業養殖試驗 ,或其他科學試驗用途。生產出杜氏鰤魚苗,可進行海域放流以復育海洋資源,以 達到漁業永續發展之目標。康氏馬加鰆之生殖期為3~8月,產卵高峰為3~5月,透過 生殖腺產後卵黃泡和水卵觀察,推估臺灣淺灘附近水域為產卵場。為確立長腰鮪生 殖期、產卵期及種魚培育,本研究將進行長腰鮪活魚捕撈並建立精液冷藏與凍結保 存技術,進行卵細胞培育及探討卵細胞最後成激素。


Dolphifish (Coryphaena hippurus), purplish amberjack (Seriola dumerili), Commerson's mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) and longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggolare)all important commercial fish species. The global demand is increasing day by day. In this study, reproductive biology research, fish breeding, and artificial insemination of dolphifish and amberjack will be conducted. Thereafter, the developmental process of embryos and the changes of fry morphology will be observed, and fry of purplish amberjack will be produced, and release to the sea area to recover the marine resources, so as to achieve the goal of sustainable development of fisheries. It is spawning season of Commerson's mackerel extended from March to August, and peak from March to May in the waters of the central Taiwan Strait. Postovulatory oocytes and hydrated oocytes were present in the gonads. Therefore, the Taiwan Strait appeared to be spawning grounds of Commerson's mackerel. This research will collect live fish and establish semen cold storage and semen cryopreservation, carry out egg cell culture and explore the final maturation-inducing steroid in longtail tuna.