

  • 日期:93-06-18
  • 年度:2003
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:蔡萬生
  • 研究人員:林金榮、周田順、黃丁士、許富和



 There are four main proposed working programs of this plan for the coming year.1.The artificial spawning and rearing of the larvae of Tectus pyramis :To compareamong the methods of stimulating by taking breeders off water, temperature stimulatingand the combination of these two to decide which is more useful to induce spawning. Inthe rearing of the larvae, we use different bases to attach the microalgae to induce thesnail larvae to settle. The larvae then can graze on algae which flourished on the testingbases. The testing bases will be stones, pvc plates and Ulva Lactaca for this year. 2.Thelabeling experiment of hatchery-reared javeniles of T. pyramis :Five labeling methodswill be tested, and these are normal paint, anti-fouling paint, polyeaster, fishing linestuck with polyeaster and shell top abrasion. The efficacies of them will be comparedeach other to find out the best one. 3.The juveniles mid-nursing and release of T.pyramis: The juveniles of top snail will be removed from the nursing room and placedin the beach of Peng-Hu Islands to stock and released to the conservation sea areaaround Peng-Hu Islands.