

  • 日期:93-06-18
  • 年度:2003
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:丁雲源

1.在屏東縣分佈的一種貝類(Psammotaea sp.)在當地又稱為海瓜子、赤嘴仔,是屬於高價格的貝類,其產量也日趨減少,為開發新的養殖對象並建立該種的繁養殖技術,擬對其生殖季節與繁殖的技術做初步的探討。本試驗擬測定其殼長與殼重、肥滿度,並對其生殖腺做組織切片觀察,以瞭解其生殖腺發育,並探討其間之關係。另外探討種貝以何種方法刺激其排卵排精最為有效,同時以不同溫度觀察其胚胎發育,與進行鹽度對幼生成長與活存之試驗,以建立繁殖之初步資料。2.比較不同濃度之腎上腺素濃度處理及貝殼砂對單體牡蠣種苗之產生試驗,並探討漁塭養成之可行性。試驗主要為三部份:(一)取330-350μm之牡蠣幼苗,利用0.05mM、0.1mM、0.2mM之腎上腺素處理1小時,經48小時後觀察變態率。(二)試驗分四組,分別為腎上腺處理組、貝殼砂(0.3μm)組、貝殼砂加腎上腺處理組、對照組,比較單體牡蠣之誘發率。(三)取單體牡蠣,於室內池養至0.3公分後,再置田間池及室內繼續蓄養,每兩星期紀錄殼長、總重、肉重及肥滿度及死亡情形。3.確立文蛤沉底稚貝(0.25mm)至50粒/斤不同階段單層式於無沙環境下培育所需之注水量、行為效應、餌藻密度與單位放養量等條件,及建立文蛤於無沙環境下之成長與活存,並利用無沙育苗方法篩選優良品系之蛤苗,進行無沙環境與田間池密度養殖試驗,以達到大型化(25g/每粒以上)其所需之時間與活存率,並比較其經濟效益。


1.Due to the decrease of natural resource and the high price in market of Psammotaeasp., it is neccessary to approach its reproductive season and the techniques of artificialpropagation. In the study of reproductive season of Psammotaea sp., the conditionfactor, shell length, total weight will be measured monthly. The gonad will be observedhistologically monthly to ubderstand the reproductive cycle. In the study of artificialpropagation of Psammotaea sp., the stimulating methods of spawning will be touched.The development of embyros and larvae in different temperature will be compared.Also, the effect of acute salinity on the larvae will be conducted.2.The purpose of this experiment is to compare different concentration of epinephrineand shell debris for inducing clutchless oyster and discuss the posibility pond culturesystem.The experiment divided three parts:(1)At the larvae reached to 330-350μmperiod,treated with 0.05 mM,0.1mM,0.2mMepinephrine for one hour,after 48hours,to discuss the effect of epinephrine on the metamorphosis of oyster larvae.(2)Tocompare the metamorphosis for four groups,epinephrine,shell debris,epinephrine andshell debris,control.(3)Transfer the 0.3cm clutchless oyster into pond culture and indoorsystem.The shell length,total weight ,body weight,condition factor and mortality will bemeasured in every two week.3.The hard clam of difference sizes that from tiny seed to adult will be reared in tanksand raceways of sand absent substrate condition. The live food of microalgae ororganism feed will be supplied to rearing tanks under controlling concentration andrearing water be kept overflowing or circulating. The growth and survival rate ofdifferent stock density in this rearing system be compared to pond culture. The clamsunder this culture system will be harvested easily at any stage to transfer other tanks andthe unite production will be raised. Moreover, the excellent strains will be selected infastest growth tiny clam seed by this system. Otherwise, the gigantic size clams will bereared in this system could obtained more economic benefits.